Excel VBA-通过将单元格内容添加到旧文件名的第一个空格中来将文件重命名到同一目录

时间:2018-09-23 00:19:42

标签: excel vba

到目前为止,已有此代码,其中:E1 =当前文件夹的路径; H =文件名:

Set fso = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"") 
FileSource = ""Range("E1") & Range("H" & (ActiveCell.Row)).Value"" 'original
FileDest = ""Range("E1") & Range("H" & (ActiveCell.Row)).Value"" 'new
fso.copyfile FileSource, FileDest, True 
If (fso.fileexists(FileDest)) Then 
fso.deletefile FileSource, True 
End If 

原始文件名中至少包含一个空格-类似于“ First Second Third.pdf”。我希望使用新文件名将单元格J1的内容放入新文件名中,例如“ First-CellsJ1-Second Third.pdf的内容”


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
FileSource = Range("E1") & Range("H" & ActiveCell.Row).Value 'original
FileDest = Range("E1") & Range("H" & ActiveCell.Row).Value 'new
fso.copyfile FileSource, replace(FileDest, chr(32), range("J1").value, 1, 1), True 
If (fso.fileexists(FileDest)) Then 
    fso.deletefile FileSource, True 
End If 

答案 1 :(得分:1)


示例:在单元格J1中,我放置了文本Contents of J1。以下是我使用的每个变量的代码和输出,其中String2是您请求的输出

Dim String1 As String 'Original String
Dim Space1 As Integer 'First Space Location
Dim String2 As String 'Final String
Dim Insert As String 'Contents of J1

String1 = ThisWorkbook.Name
Space1 = InStr(String1, " ")
Insert = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Max").Range("J1")
String2 = Left(myString, Space1) & Insert & " " & Right(String1, Len(String1) - Space1)

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