
时间:2018-09-22 14:38:24

标签: c pointers char



我可以在authenticate_process方法中获取并打印出客户端用户名和密码,但是一旦到达execute_process( COMMAND echo COMMAND bash -c "g++ -E -Wp,-v - 2>&1" COMMAND awk "/^#include .* starts here:$/,/^End of search list/ { if ($0 ~ /^ /) { print } }" OUTPUT_VARIABLE SYS_INCLUDES_OUT) separate_arguments(SYS_INCLUDES UNIX_COMMAND ${SYS_INCLUDES_OUT}) # create a list include_directories(${SYS_INCLUDES}) # add list to includes 行,我就会得到void authenticate_process(int cli_sockfd){ /* Authentication Process */ write(cli_sockfd, "USN", 3); char *username; username = recv_msg(cli_sockfd); printf("[DEBUG] Client username is %s.\n", username); write(cli_sockfd, "PSW", 3); char *password; password = recv_msg(cli_sockfd); printf("[DEBUG] Client Password is %s.\n", password); //From Here the program breaks bool approval = authenticate_login(username, password); printf("%c", approval); } bool authenticate_login(char *username, char *password) { printf("Made it here"); FILE *file; char *file_username; char *file_password; bool match; printf("%s", username); printf("%s", password); // BLAH BLAH BLAH MORE CODE IN THIS SECTION return match; } 行,我相信这与我传递字符有关,但是我可能是错误的。有人可以解释一下,告诉我如何解决我的问题吗?

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