
时间:2018-09-22 02:40:28

标签: java netbeans

我有一个几乎可以完成的编程课的实验室,我相信我已尽我所能执行了所有步骤,但无法获得三个变量int1,int2和int的结果。 int3可以在控制台输出中正确排序。也许这是我嵌套的条件语句的问题。我们的教授没有很好地解释我们需要很好地使用的条件语句的复杂性。 我将在下面发布我的代码。


 package lab03;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lab03 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create the scanner input
        Scanner input;
        input=new Scanner(System.in);
        // Prompt the user to enter the first integer between 0 and 99.
        int input1;
        System.out.println("Please enter an integer between 0 and 99: ");
        input1 = input.nextInt();
        // Check if input1 is within a valid range.
        if (input1 <0 || input1 > 99) {
          // If the input is outside of the range, give them a second chance to correct their error.
          System.out.println("Please try again and enter an integer THAT MUST BE between 0 and 99: ");
          input1 = input.nextInt();
          // Check input1 again.
        if (input1 <0 || input1 > 99) {
            // Still invalid a second time? Exit the program!!!
                  System.out.println("Still outside of the valid range. Program ending...");
            else {
            // Prompt the user to enter the second integer between 0 and 99.
            int input2;
            System.out.println("Please enter a second integer between 0 and 99: ");
            input2 = input.nextInt();
            // Check if input2 is within valid range.
            if (input2 <0 || input2 > 99) {
                // If the input is outside of the valid range, give them another chance to correct their mistake.
                System.out.println("Please attempt this one more time and enter a second integer THAT IS REQUIRED TO BE between 0 and 99: ");
                input2 = input.nextInt();
                // Check input2 again.
                if (input2 <0 || input2 > 99) {
                    // Still invalid for the 2nd time? Exit the program!!!!!
                    System.out.println("Your second integer is still outside of an acceptable range. Program is now terminating...hasta la vista, baby!");
            // Declare max and min variables.
            int max;
            int min;
                /* Compare the values of input1 and input2 to determine which one is "min" and which one is "max" so that the message shown to user makes sense.
                i.e. if the two integers are 20 and 80. 20 is smaller so it must be the min, while 80 is larger so it must be the max.
                It also compensates if the user inserts the larger number for the first input prompt and a smaller one for the second prompt
                Our program will automatically fix the order.
                if (input1 < input2) {
                    min = input1;
                    max = input2;
                else {
                    min = input2;
                    max = input1;
            // Use the functions to assign values for int1, int2, and int3 using the combo of the min and max values as well as the Math.random method in the Math class.
            double int1;
                int1 = min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));
            double int2;
                int2 = min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));
            double int3;
                int3 = min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));
            // Swap values of the integers if needed to allow for correct sorting output later on.
                if (int1 > int2) {
                double temp = int1;
                int1 = int2;
                int2 = temp;
                else if (int2 > int3) {
                double temp = int2;
                int2 = int3;
                int3 = temp;
                else if (int1 > int2) {
                double temp = int1;
                int1 = int2;
                int2 = temp;
            // Output the range of min and max.
            System.out.println("The range begins at " + min + " and ends at " + max);
            // Output three random sorted integers
            System.out.println("Three sorted random integers between " + min + " and " + max + " are: ");
            // For the three integers, we must determine if the integer is odd or even so that the appropriate label can be appended to the output. A number is even if it is divisible by 2, else it is odd.
            if (int1 % 2 == 0) {
                System.out.println((int) int1 + " Even");
            else {
                System.out.println((int) int1 + " Odd");
            if (int2 % 2 == 0) {
                System.out.println((int) int2 + " Even");
            else {
                System.out.println((int) int2 + " Odd");
            if (int3 % 2 == 0) {
                System.out.println((int) int3 + " Even");
            else {
                System.out.println((int) int3 + " Odd");
            // Define sum
            double sum = int1 + int2 + int3;
            // Define product
            double product = int1 * int2 * int3;
            // Define quotients
            double quotient1 = (int1 / int2);
            double quotient2 = (quotient1 / int3);
            double quotient = (quotient2);
            // Display sum output
            System.out.println("Sum = " + (int) sum);
            // Display product output
            System.out.println("Product = " + (int) product);
            // Display quotient output
            System.out.println("Quotient (Int1 / Int2 / Int3) = " + quotient);




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您几乎做到了完美。只是很小的变化。else if仅在if失败时才会被执行。因此,例如,输入8 9 7,您将不会交换8和9,因为在第一个if条件下8不大于9,并且第二个else if将永远不会执行。


if (int1 > int2) {
    double hold = int1;
    int1 = int2;
    int2 = hold;
if (int2 > int3) {
    double hold = int2;
    int2 = int3;
    int3 = hold;
if (int1 > int2) {
    double hold = int1;
    int1 = int2;
    int2 = hold;
