
时间:2018-09-21 16:45:10

标签: c struct pthreads



#ifndef __PI_TEST_H
#define __PI_TEST_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct piS                  //struct for threading
    int threads;  //amount of threads running
    int iterations;  //amount of iterations  
    int operation;  //whether to add or subtract
    double total;   //value of pi

double calcPi(int numIter);
void *piPthreads(void *info);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "pi.h"

 * struct for pthreads

void *piPthreads(void *arg)
    struct piS *threader = (struct piS*) arg;
    int operation = threader->operation;    //rank
    int threads = threader->threads;    //count
    int iterations = threader->iterations / threads;
    double begin = operation * iterations;
    double end = begin + iterations;
    printf("iterations = %d\n",iterations);
    threader->total = 0;
    int plusMinus = 1;

        plusMinus = -1;

    double loop = begin;

    printf("begin: %d, end: %d\n",begin, end);

    for(loop = begin;loop < end;loop++)
        if(plusMinus == 1)
            threader->total += (1/(2*loop+1));
            printf("threader->total = %d\n",threader->total);
                threader->total -= (1/(2*loop+1));
                printf("threader->total = %d\n",threader->total);

        return NULL;


//driver class to run pthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "pi.h"

* main()
* handles command line arguments and passes
* for pThreads
int main(int argc, char** argv){

    int numIter = 100;
    int pthread = 4;

    //Handle command line args
    if(argc != 3)
        printf("Default:Number of threads being set to 4.\n");
        printf("Default:Number of iterations set to 100.\n");

        if(atoi(argv[2]) > 28)
            printf("Default:Number of threads being set to 4\n");
            printf("Max threads possible 28\n");
            pthread = 4;

            printf("Format for running:( executable   iterations    threads)\n");

    if(argc == 3)
        //Assign args
        numIter = atoi(argv[1]);

        //Assign threads
        pthread = atoi(argv[2]);

    //creating and handling pthreads
    pthread_t *tids = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * pthread);

    struct piS *threader = (struct piS*) malloc(sizeof(struct piS) * pthread);

    int loop = 0;

    //filling in values for pthreads and creating each thread
    for(loop = 0;loop < pthread;loop++)
        threader[loop].operation = loop;
        threader[loop].threads = pthread;
        threader[loop].iterations = numIter;
        printf("threader[%d].iterations = %d\n",loop,threader[loop].iterations);

     double answer = 0;

    for(loop = 0;loop < pthread; loop++)
        answer += threader[loop].total;
        printf("threader[%d] = %d\n",loop,threader[loop].total);

    answer = answer * 4;

    printf("answer is %f using %d iterations\n",answer,numIter);            

    return 0;


Default:Number of threads being set to 4.
Default:Number of iterations set to 100.
Format for running:( executable   iterations    threads)
threader[0].iterations = 100
threader[1].iterations = 100
threader[2].iterations = 100
iterations = 0
begin: 0, end: 0
threader[3].iterations = 100
iterations = 0
begin: 0, end: 0
threader[0] = 0
threader[1] = 1
iterations = 0
begin: 0, end: 0
iterations = 0
begin: 0, end: 0
threader[2] = 2
threader[3] = 3
answer is 0.000000 using 100 iterations


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您传递给pthread_create的第四个参数是&threader。该表达式的类型为struct piS **,因为threader的类型为struct piS *。但是在线程函数中,您将参数转换为类型struct piS *。这些不匹配,因此您尝试将一种类型的对象视为另一种类型的对象。这将调用undefined behavior

