Holder类管理下一次访存的访存,同步和调度,因为缓存是为多个并行调用而设计的。通过Web服务获取的数据具有到期日期(在标头中提供),在此日期之后,持有者可以再次获取该数据,并为下一次到期再次进行调度。我有3个类(用于列表,地图和其他类),但是它们都以相同的方式使用。 Holder
Stream.of(1l, 2l, 3l).parallel().map(cache::getPrice).mapToInt(p->p.copy().price).min();
public class CacheExample {
public static class Holder<T>{
SimpleObjectProperty<T> data = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
// real code removed
T copy() {
return null;
Observable asObservable() {
return null;
void follow(ChangeListener<? super T> listener) {
public static class SelfScheduled implements Runnable {
// should use enum
private Object state = "start";
public void schedule(long ms) {
// check state, sync, etc.
public void run() {
long next = fetch();
public long fetch() {
// set the value in the holder
// return the next expiry
return 0;
public Map<Long, Holder<Object>> cachePrices = new HashMap<>();
public Holder<Object> getPrice(long param) {
Holder<Object> ret = cachePrices.get(param);
if (ret == null) {
// sync, re check, etc.
synchronized (cachePrices) {
ret = cachePrices.get(param);
if (ret == null) {
ret = new Holder<>();
// should be the fetch() call instead of null
makeSchedule(ret.data, null);
return ret;
public void makeSchedule(SimpleObjectProperty<Object> data, Runnable run) {
// code removed.
// creates a selfscheduler with fetch method and the data to store the
// result.
如上所述,我想修改缓存将数据保存在内存中的方式。 特别是,我认为没有理由维护大量的自调度实体以在不再使用这些数据时提取数据。如果到期时间是5s(某些Web服务是ARE),并且我缓存了1000个数据(这是一个非常低的值),那么这意味着我将无缘无故地每秒200 fetch()。
Holder< Price > p = cache.getPrice(1);
// here if the fetch() is called it should fetch the data
// now the price is no more used, on next fetch() it should remove p from the cache.
// If that happens, and later I re enter that code, the holder and the selfscheduler will be re created.
Holder< Price > p2 = cache.getPrice(22);
// now there is a strong reference to this price, so the fetch() method will keep scheduling the selfscheduler
// until mylist is no more strongly referenced.
public class CacheExampleIncorrect {
public static class Holder<T>{
SimpleObjectProperty<T> data = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
// real code removed
T copy() {
return null;
Observable asObservable() {
return null;
void follow(ChangeListener<? super T> listener) {
public static class SelfScheduled<T> implements Runnable {
WeakReference<Holder<T>> holder;
Runnable onDelete;
public void schedule(long ms) {
// check state, sync, etc.
public void run() {
Holder<T> h = holder.get();
if (h == null) {
long next = fetch(h);
public long fetch(Holder<T> h) {
// set the value in the holder
// return the next expiry
return 0;
public Map<Long, WeakReference<Holder<Object>>> cachePrices = new HashMap<>();
public Holder<Object> getPrice(long param) {
WeakReference<Holder<Object>> h = cachePrices.get(param);
Holder<Object> ret = h == null ? null : h.get();
if (h == null) {
synchronized (cachePrices) {
h = cachePrices.get(param);
ret = h == null ? null : h.get();
if (ret == null) {
ret = new Holder<>();
h = new WeakReference<>(ret);
// should be the fetch() call instead of null
SelfScheduled<Object> sched = makeSchedule(h, null);
cachePrices.put(param, h);
// should be synced on cachedprice
sched.onDelete = () -> cachePrices.remove(param);
return ret;
public <T> SelfScheduled<T> makeSchedule(WeakReference<Holder<Object>> h, Runnable run) {
// creates a selfscheduler with fetch method and the data to store the
// result.
return null;