String clientRegion = "eu-west-1";
String roleARN = "arn:aws:iam::83883883:role/myrole";
String roleSessionName = "rolename";
try {
// Creating the STS client is part of your trusted code. It has
// the security credentials you use to obtain temporary security credentials.
AWSSecurityTokenService stsClient = AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider())
// Assume the IAM role. Note that you cannot assume the role of an AWS root account;
// Amazon S3 will deny access. You must use credentials for an IAM user or an IAM role.
AssumeRoleRequest roleRequest = new AssumeRoleRequest()
// Start a session.
GetSessionTokenRequest getSessionTokenRequest = new GetSessionTokenRequest();
// The duration can be set to more than 3600 seconds only if temporary
// credentials are requested by an IAM user rather than an account owner.
GetSessionTokenResult sessionTokenResult = stsClient.getSessionToken(getSessionTokenRequest);
Credentials sessionCredentials = sessionTokenResult.getCredentials();
// Package the temporary security credentials as a BasicSessionCredentials object
// for an Amazon S3 client object to use.
BasicSessionCredentials basicSessionCredentials = new BasicSessionCredentials(
sessionCredentials.getAccessKeyId(), sessionCredentials.getSecretAccessKey(),
10:38:50.377 [main]调试com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics-在com.amazonaws.management下注册的Admin mbean:type = AwsSdkMetrics 线程“主”中的异常java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SERVICE_ID 在com.amazonaws.services.securitytoken.AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.executeAssumeRole(AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.java:479) 在com.amazonaws.services.securitytoken.AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.assumeRole(AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.java:460)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "<Specify the ARN of your IAM user you are using in this code example>"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
例如,现在您可以运行Java程序(Java V2)来调用 assumeRole 操作。
import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.StsClient;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.model.AssumeRoleRequest;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.model.StsException;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.model.AssumeRoleResponse;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.model.Credentials;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.Locale;
* To make this code example work, create a Role that you want to assume.
* Then define a Trust Relationship in the AWS Console. YOu can use this as an example:
* {
* "Version": "2012-10-17",
* "Statement": [
* {
* "Effect": "Allow",
* "Principal": {
* "AWS": "<Specify the ARN of your IAM user you are using in this code example>"
* },
* "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
* }
* ]
* }
* For more information, see "Editing the Trust Relationship for an Existing Role" in the AWS Directory Service guide.
public class AssumeRole {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String roleArn = "arn:aws:iam::814548047983:role/s3role" ; // args[0];
String roleSessionName = "mysession101"; // args[1];
Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;
StsClient stsClient = StsClient.builder()
try {
AssumeRoleRequest roleRequest = AssumeRoleRequest.builder()
AssumeRoleResponse roleResponse = stsClient.assumeRole(roleRequest);
Credentials myCreds = roleResponse.credentials();
//Display the time when the temp creds expire
Instant exTime = myCreds.expiration();
// Convert the Instant to readable date
DateTimeFormatter formatter =
DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime( FormatStyle.SHORT )
.withLocale( Locale.US)
.withZone( ZoneId.systemDefault() );
formatter.format( exTime );
System.out.println("The temporary credentials expire on " + exTime );
} catch (StsException e) {