
时间:2018-09-19 11:21:31

标签: codeigniter

我在该文件夹中有一个文件夹“模块”,即站点“ manage.php”。



我尝试对链接执行此操作:admin_url('module / manage / 1 <-这是我的参数)

结果我得到了这个网址:... admin / module / manage / 1





     * CodeIgniter

class CI_Config {

     * List of all loaded config values
     * @var array
    public $config = array();

     * List of all loaded config files
     * @var array
    public $is_loaded = array();

     * List of paths to search when trying to load a config file.
     * @used-by CI_Loader
     * @var     array
    public $_config_paths = array(APPPATH);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Class constructor
     * Sets the $config data from the primary config.php file as a class variable.
     * @return  void
    public function __construct()
        $this->config =& get_config();

        // Set the base_url automatically if none was provided
        if (empty($this->config['base_url']))
            if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']))
                if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], ':') !== FALSE)
                    $server_addr = '['.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].']';
                    $server_addr = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];

                $base_url = (is_https() ? 'https' : 'http').'://'.$server_addr
                    .substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
                $base_url = 'http://localhost/';

            $this->set_item('base_url', $base_url);

        log_message('info', 'Config Class Initialized');

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Load Config File
     * @param   string  $file           Configuration file name
     * @param   bool    $use_sections       Whether configuration values should be loaded into their own section
     * @param   bool    $fail_gracefully    Whether to just return FALSE or display an error message
     * @return  bool    TRUE if the file was loaded correctly or FALSE on failure
    public function load($file = '', $use_sections = FALSE, $fail_gracefully = FALSE)
        $file = ($file === '') ? 'config' : str_replace('.php', '', $file);
        $loaded = FALSE;

        foreach ($this->_config_paths as $path)
            foreach (array($file, ENVIRONMENT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file) as $location)
                $file_path = $path.'config/'.$location.'.php';
                if (in_array($file_path, $this->is_loaded, TRUE))
                    return TRUE;

                if ( ! file_exists($file_path))


                if ( ! isset($config) OR ! is_array($config))
                    if ($fail_gracefully === TRUE)
                        return FALSE;

                    show_error('Your '.$file_path.' file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array.');

                if ($use_sections === TRUE)
                    $this->config[$file] = isset($this->config[$file])
                        ? array_merge($this->config[$file], $config)
                        : $config;
                    $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);

                $this->is_loaded[] = $file_path;
                $config = NULL;
                $loaded = TRUE;
                log_message('debug', 'Config file loaded: '.$file_path);

        if ($loaded === TRUE)
            return TRUE;
        elseif ($fail_gracefully === TRUE)
            return FALSE;

        show_error('The configuration file '.$file.'.php does not exist.');

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Fetch a config file item
     * @param   string  $item   Config item name
     * @param   string  $index  Index name
     * @return  string|null The configuration item or NULL if the item doesn't exist
    public function item($item, $index = '')
        if ($index == '')
            return isset($this->config[$item]) ? $this->config[$item] : NULL;

        return isset($this->config[$index], $this->config[$index][$item]) ? $this->config[$index][$item] : NULL;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
     * @param   string      $item   Config item name
     * @return  string|null The configuration item or NULL if the item doesn't exist
    public function slash_item($item)
        if ( ! isset($this->config[$item]))
            return NULL;
        elseif (trim($this->config[$item]) === '')
            return '';

        return rtrim($this->config[$item], '/').'/';

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Site URL
     * Returns base_url . index_page [. uri_string]
     * @uses    CI_Config::_uri_string()
     * @param   string|string[] $uri    URI string or an array of segments
     * @param   string  $protocol
     * @return  string
    public function site_url($uri = '', $protocol = NULL)
        $base_url = $this->slash_item('base_url');

        if (isset($protocol))
            // For protocol-relative links
            if ($protocol === '')
                $base_url = substr($base_url, strpos($base_url, '//'));
                $base_url = $protocol.substr($base_url, strpos($base_url, '://'));

        if (empty($uri))
            return $base_url.$this->item('index_page');

        $uri = $this->_uri_string($uri);

        if ($this->item('enable_query_strings') === FALSE)
            $suffix = isset($this->config['url_suffix']) ? $this->config['url_suffix'] : '';

            if ($suffix !== '')
                if (($offset = strpos($uri, '?')) !== FALSE)
                    $uri = substr($uri, 0, $offset).$suffix.substr($uri, $offset);
                    $uri .= $suffix;

            return $base_url.$this->slash_item('index_page').$uri;
        elseif (strpos($uri, '?') === FALSE)
            $uri = '?'.$uri;

        return $base_url.$this->item('index_page').$uri;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------

     * Base URL
     * Returns base_url [. uri_string]
     * @uses    CI_Config::_uri_string()
     * @param   string|string[] $uri    URI string or an array of segments
     * @param   string  $protocol
     * @return  string
    public function base_url($uri = '', $protocol = NULL)
        $base_url = $this->slash_item('base_url');

        if (isset($protocol))
            // For protocol-relative links
            if ($protocol === '')
                $base_url = substr($base_url, strpos($base_url, '//'));
                $base_url = $protocol.substr($base_url, strpos($base_url, '://'));

        return $base_url.$this->_uri_string($uri);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------

     * Build URI string
     * @used-by CI_Config::site_url()
     * @used-by CI_Config::base_url()
     * @param   string|string[] $uri    URI string or an array of segments
     * @return  string
    protected function _uri_string($uri)
        if ($this->item('enable_query_strings') === FALSE)
            is_array($uri) && $uri = implode('/', $uri);
            return ltrim($uri, '/');
        elseif (is_array($uri))
            return http_build_query($uri);

        return $uri;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * System URL
     * @deprecated  3.0.0   Encourages insecure practices
     * @return  string
    public function system_url()
        $x = explode('/', preg_replace('|/*(.+?)/*$|', '\\1', BASEPATH));
        return $this->slash_item('base_url').end($x).'/';

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Set a config file item
     * @param   string  $item   Config item key
     * @param   string  $value  Config item value
     * @return  void
    public function set_item($item, $value)
        $this->config[$item] = $value;



defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This file lets you re-map URI requests to specific controller functions.
| Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string
| and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a
| URL normally follow this pattern:
|   example.com/class/method/id/
| In some instances, however, you may want to remap this relationship
| so that a different class/function is called than the one
| corresponding to the URL.
| Please see the user guide for complete details:
|   http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/routing.html
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| There are three reserved routes:
|   $route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
| This route indicates which controller class should be loaded if the
| URI contains no data. In the above example, the "welcome" class
| would be loaded.
|   $route['404_override'] = 'errors/page_missing';
| This route will tell the Router which controller/method to use if those
| provided in the URL cannot be matched to a valid route.
|   $route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
| This is not exactly a route, but allows you to automatically route
| controller and method names that contain dashes. '-' isn't a valid
| class or method name character, so it requires translation.
| When you set this option to TRUE, it will replace ALL dashes in the
| controller and method URI segments.
| Examples: my-controller/index -> my_controller/index
|       my-controller/my-method -> my_controller/my_method

$route['default_controller'] = 'clients';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;

$route['admin']  = "admin/dashboard";
// Misc controller rewrites
$route['admin/access_denied']  = "admin/misc/access_denied";
$route['admin/not_found']  = "admin/misc/not_found";

// Staff rewrites
$route['admin/profile']  = "admin/staff/profile";
$route['admin/profile/(:num)']  = "admin/staff/profile/$1";
$route['admin/tasks/view/(:any)']  = "admin/tasks/index/$1";

// Items search rewrite
$route['admin/items/search'] = 'admin/invoice_items/search';

/* Clients links and routes */
// // In case if client access directly to url without the arguments redirect to clients url
$route['/']  = "clients";

// Deprecated
$route['viewinvoice/(:num)/(:any)']  = "invoice/index/$1/$2";

// New url from version 2.0.
$route['invoice/(:num)/(:any)']  = "invoice/index/$1/$2";

// Deprecated
$route['viewestimate/(:num)/(:any)']  = "estimate/index/$1/$2";

// New url from version 2.0
$route['estimate/(:num)/(:any)']  = "estimate/index/$1/$2";

$route['subscription/(:any)']  = "subscription/index/$1";

// Deprecated
$route['viewproposal/(:num)/(:any)']  = "proposal/index/$1/$2";
// New url from version 2.0
$route['proposal/(:num)/(:any)']  = "proposal/index/$1/$2";

// Available from version 2.0
$route['contract/(:num)/(:any)']  = "contract/index/$1/$2";
$route['survey/(:num)/(:any)']  = "survey/index/$1/$2";

// Deprecated
//$route['knowledge_base']  = "knowledge_base/index";
//$route['knowledge_base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/index/$1";

// Available from version 2.0
$route['knowledge-base']  = "knowledge_base/index";
$route['knowledge-base/search']  = "knowledge_base/search";
$route['knowledge-base/article']  = "knowledge_base/index";
$route['knowledge-base/article/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/article/$1";
$route['knowledge-base/category']  = "knowledge_base/index";
$route['knowledge-base/category/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/category/$1";

// Deprecated
if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'add_kb_answer') === false) {
    $route['knowledge-base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/article/$1";
    $route['knowledge_base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/article/$1";
    $route['clients/knowledge_base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/article/$1";
    $route['clients/knowledge-base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/article/$1";
// $route['knowledge-base/(:any)']  = "knowledge_base/index/$1";
$route['terms-and-conditions']  = "clients/terms_and_conditions";
$route['privacy-policy']  = "clients/privacy_policy";


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




Class Manage extends CI_Controller{

    public function __construct(){
        // add libraries/models

    public function index(){
        // index logic

    public function newMethod($param){
        //The method used to capture your parameter.


$route['admin/modules/(:num)'] = 'modules/Manage/newMethod/$1';



$route['admin/modules/(:any)'] = 'modules/Manage/newMethod/$1';
