get only matches highlight keywords not the whole text and the matches

时间:2018-09-18 20:14:55

标签: c# search highlight

i use this simple code to highlight match words in string :

  var query = "محمد";
  var snowballAnalyzer = new ArabicAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, "Arabic");
  var input = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, "",snowballAnalyzer).Parse(query);
  var text = "محمٌد محمُد محمَد اسعد محمود";
  var steam = TokenSources.GetTokenStream("default",text,snowballAnalyzer);

  var hit = new Highlighter(new SimpleHTMLFormatter(),new QueryScorer(input));

  TextFragment[] frag = hit.GetBestTextFragments(steam ,text,false,4);

  String textt = hit.GetBestFragment(snowballAnalyzer , "", Text);

  for(int j = 0; j<frag.Length; j++){



and works good so if i search for "محمد" : it will find all match and print the whole text :

<B>محمٌد</B> <B>محمُد</B> <B>محمَد</B> اسعد محمود

what i want to extract only the matches keyword from text to use it in Webbrowser controller i mean i only want the matches Highlighted keywords not the whole text how can i do that ..

i need the keywords so i can use javscript Highlighter script and use it in webbrowser controller to Highlight matches keywords in html page but if i can use Highlighter directly without the need of js Highlighter script it would be great ..

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