We had a set of tabs in our Bootstrap3-based site, which worked fine. We had this scss mixin which would
to make an "underline" the width of the li
with a transition on translateX
and a translateX
of 0li
got a class of active
applied to it by Bootstrap, translate the ::after
element on the last-child the correct percentage to slide it underneath the active tabSo, now updating to Bootstrap 4.1, I discovered that it no longer applies the active
class to the li
, but to the a
tag within it. So my sibling selector no longer works:
.tabs-sliding li:nth-child(2).active ~ li:last-child::after {
transform: translateX(-300%);
I realize I could do this with javascript, but I'm still hoping for a scss-only solution. Here is a codepen with the entire code. The pink background when a tab is clicked was just a text to confirm the active
Here is the mixin (also in the codepen):
@mixin sliding-tabs($tab-number) {
$children: $tab-number;
//percentage function converts 1 to 100
$width: percentage(1 / $children);
//apply width to .nav-tabs li & a tags
&.tabs-sliding .nav.nav-tabs li {
width: $width;
//based on width of each tab, figure out the appropriate offset for the sliding ::after pseudo-element "underline"
@for $i from 1 through $children {
li:nth-child(#{$i}) a.active {
background-color: pink !important;
li:nth-child(#{$i}) a.active ~ li:last-child::after {
$offset: percentage($i - $children);
transform: translateX(#{$offset});
Sample usage:
.tabs-sliding {
@include sliding-tabs(5);