A fix/workaround for unsupported Safari Extensions in Safari 12?

时间:2018-09-18 19:53:19

标签: macos safari safari-extension

The latest Safari update (12.0, Sept 17, 2018) turns off some and and stops supporting other extensions.

enter image description here

E.g., many people use Pocket's Safari Extension to save items to a OS-independent list. But I don't see Pocket on Apple's new list of supported Safari Extensions (https://itunes.apple.com/us/story/id1377753262). That might be why Pocket now recommends that Mac users just use their Mac app: https://help.getpocket.com/article/1042-using-pocket-for-safari

Pocket may update their extension such that Apple starts supporting it again. Until then, there might be a javascript bookmark(let) for saving items to Pocket (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT4550) or a Pocket email address to which you can send items to your account (https://getpocket.com/add/).

But are there fixes/workarounds that would allow no-longer-supported Safari Extensions to work in Safari 12?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以通过开发人员菜单手动安装扩展程序。在Safari中启用“开发人员”选项(优选)。在开发人员菜单下,选择“允许未签名的扩展名”。选中后,再次在开发人员菜单下打开Extension Builder,然后选择添加扩展的选项。这将允许您添加新的扩展名。一个警告是重启后您必须重新加载它。 您可以在这里https://georgegarside.com/blog/macos/install-any-safari-extension-macos-mojave/


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  • 从App Store安装应用程序,单击工具栏上的“共享”按钮,如果Pocket不存在,请单击“更多…”(最后一个选项)并选中Pocket:缺点是您将无法从那里添加标签(您必须从应用程序中添加标签)
  • 将小书签安装为前9个项目之一,您将可以使用键盘快捷键(alt + cmd + 1 ... 9)触发小书签。此选项使您可以添加标签。


  • 访问https://getpocket.com/add?sb=1
  • 打开书签(在Safari工具栏中单击“显示侧边栏”图标)
  • 将按钮拖动到“书签”列表(位于顶部-1至9)
