Is it possible to set the ACTION property of a form so upon submit() it does not add a leading slash to the request?

时间:2018-09-18 19:45:14

标签: javascript html html-form

My form looks like this:

<form name="JRBHSO" method=POST action="/WEBSO.CGI" onSubmit="return clickstrt()" autocomplete="off" > 

What is sent upon submission looks like this:


The request is to make it look like this to the server (upon submission) : (remove the leading slash)


Changing the action to the following does not prevent the leading slash... the browser (Chrome in this case) adds the leading slash.

<form name="JRBHSO" method=POST action="WEBSO.CGI" onSubmit="return clickstrt()" autocomplete="off" > 

I have also attempted to modify the action property dynamically using JavaScript but it still persists on adding the leading slash.

Is this even possible?

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