如何使用STL sort对具有模板专业化的自定义类对象进行排序?

时间:2018-09-18 07:48:03

标签: c++ stl

我正在学习C ++ STL。我知道如果要在使用STL算法或容器时完成自定义功能,可以使用functor或模板专用化。例如:

class my_class {
    int id;
    int num;

// Definition of hash and comparison functor of my_class, which is so-called Explicit Template Specialization
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<my_class> {
    size_t operator()(const my_class& e) const
        return hash<int>()(e.id);
template <>
struct equal_to<my_class> {
    bool operator()(const my_class& le, const my_class& re) const
        return le.id == re.id;

int main()
    unordered_set<my_class> s;
    s.insert(my_class{ 0, 10 });
    s.insert(my_class{ 1, 30 });
    s.insert(my_class{ 0, 20 });
    s.insert(my_class{ 2, 40 });
    for (auto e : s) {
        cout << "Value of ID " << e.id << ": " << e.num << endl;
    cout << "Size of set: " << s.size() << endl;
    return 0;



class my_class {
    int id;
    int num;
namespace std {
template <>
struct comp<my_class> {
    bool operator()(const my_class& le, const my_class& re) const
        return le.id < re.id;

int main()
    vector<my_class> v;
    v.push_back(my_class{ 2, 10 });
    v.push_back(my_class{ 3, 10 });
    v.push_back(my_class{ 0, 10 });
    v.push_back(my_class{ 1, 10 });
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    cout << "Vector after sorting:" << endl;
    for (const auto& e : v) {
        cout << "Value of ID " << e.id << ": " << e.num << endl;
    return 0;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

例如,在比较std::less中的键时考虑了std::mapstd::sort的默认行为是使用operator <(重载#1 here)。专门化std::less仍然有效,但是您需要像这样将其显式传递给std::sort

namespace std {
    template <>
    struct less<my_class> {
         bool operator()(const my_class& le, const my_class& re) const
             return le.id < re.id;

// Fill vector with my_class instances...

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), std::less<my_class>{});


// std::less<my_class> is used by default to compare key instances:
std::map<my_class, int> m;

m[{1, 1}] = 42;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

不能。这是sort(gcc 4.8.2)的源代码:

 *  @brief Sort the elements of a sequence.
 *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
 *  @param  __first   An iterator.
 *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
 *  @return  Nothing.
 *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
 *  such that for each iterator @e i in the range @p [__first,__last-1),  
 *  *(i+1)<*i is false.
 *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use
 *  @p stable_sort() if this is needed.
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator>
  inline void
  sort(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)
    typedef typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type

  // concept requirements
    __glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);

    if (__first != __last)
    std::__introsort_loop(__first, __last,
            std::__lg(__last - __first) * 2);
    std::__final_insertion_sort(__first, __last);

 *  @brief Sort the elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison.
 *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
 *  @param  __first   An iterator.
 *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
 *  @param  __comp    A comparison functor.
 *  @return  Nothing.
 *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
 *  such that @p __comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for every iterator @e i in the
 *  range @p [__first,__last-1).
 *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use
 *  @p stable_sort() if this is needed.
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Compare>
  inline void
  sort(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
 _Compare __comp)
    typedef typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type

    // concept requirements
    __glibcxx_function_requires(_BinaryPredicateConcept<_Compare, _ValueType,
    __glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);

    if (__first != __last)
    std::__introsort_loop(__first, __last,
            std::__lg(__last - __first) * 2, __comp);
    std::__final_insertion_sort(__first, __last, __comp);


void sort(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)


void sort(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您无需专门研究std::equal_tostd::less,只需提供operator ==operator <,以便可以从不合格的呼叫中找到它们。

您专门研究std::hash,因为没有operator hash

bool operator ==(const my_class& le, const my_class& re) const
    return le.id == re.id;

bool operator <(const my_class& le, const my_class& re) const
    return le.id < re.id;

提供了这些功能之后,就这些而言,为!=> <=>=提供重载也很有用。您可以明确地做到这一点,或从boost::totally_ordered

class my_class : public boost::totally_ordered<my_class> {
    int id;
    int num;

我知道我是否想在使用STL时完成自定义功能   算法或容器,我可以使用函子或模板专业化。

不一定。该语言以多种方式提供定制点。其中一些是按函子,某些是通过模板专门化,在这种情况下,是通过providing an overload来实现运算符功能。