''' <summary>
''' Moves a file to one of two folders by overwriting the destination and deleting the source
''' </summary>
''' <param name="name">Full path of filename</param>
''' <param name="good">Whether file is moved to good or bad folder</param>
''' <remarks>good should only be true if data was successfully saved.
''' This would include unique key failures because of multiple attempts with the same file.</remarks>
Private Sub moveFile(name As String, good As Boolean)
Dim targetFileName As String
Dim fi As FileInfo = New FileInfo(name)
If good Then
updateStatus("Moving file to Good")
targetFileName = Path.Combine(ProcessedFilesBaseFolder, "ProcessedFiles", "Good", fi.Name)
updateStatus("Moving file to Bad")
targetFileName = Path.Combine(ProcessedFilesBaseFolder, "ProcessedFiles", "Bad", fi.Name)
End If
fi.CopyTo(targetFileName, True)
Catch ex As Exception
'It is possible duplicate processing attempts on the same file could be expected to be "normal"
LogErr(ex.Message, True, LogLevel.ERR)
End Try
End Sub