
时间:2018-09-17 23:09:49

标签: r xlconnect



我想将工作表名称放在单元格A1中,将文件内容写在该单元格的下面,并给工作表命名(例如1、2、3 ...),但是我无法包扎头我将如何实现这一目标。任何建议将不胜感激。

library(data.table)  ## for fast fread() function

# Ask user for path to csv files
folder <- dlgInput(title = "Merge csv", "Enter path to csv files (use '/' instead of '\\': ", Sys.info()["user"])$res


# Create and load Excel file
wb <- loadWorkbook("Output.xlsx", create=TRUE)

# Get list of csv files
pattern.ext <- "\\.csv$"
files <- dir(folder, full=TRUE, pattern=pattern.ext)

# Use file names for sheet names
files.nms <- basename(files)
files.nms <- gsub(pattern.ext, "", files.nms)

# Set the names to make them easier to grab
names(files) <- files.nms

# Iterate over each csv and output to sheet in Excel with its name
for (nm in files.nms) {

  # Ingest csv file
  temp_DT <- fread(files[[nm]])

  # Create the sheet with the name  
  createSheet(wb, name=nm)

  # Output the contents of the csv 
  writeWorksheet(object=wb, data=temp_DT, sheet=nm, header=TRUE, rownames=NULL)

# Remove default sheets
removeSheet(wb, sheet = "Sheet1")
removeSheet(wb, sheet = "Sheet2")
removeSheet(wb, sheet = "Sheet3")


# Check to see if file exists
if (file.exists("Output.xlsx")) {
  dlg_message("Your Excel file has been created.")$res
} else {
  dlg_message("Error: Your file was not created. Please try again.")$res



# Use substring of file names for sheet names (Excel sheet name limit is 31)
files.nms <- substr(basename(files),1,31)
files.nms <- gsub(pattern.ext, "", files.nms)


library(data.table)  # fread() function
library(XLConnect)   # Excel and csv files
library(svDialogs)   # Dialog boxes

# Welcome message
dlg_message("This program will merge one or more .csv files into one Excel file. When prompted, enter the path 
            where the .csv files are located. Sheet names in the Excel file will consist of a substring of the original filename.")$res

# Function to get user path
getPath <- function() { 
  # Ask for path
  path <- dlgInput("Enter path to .csv files: ", Sys.info()["user"])$res
  if (dir.exists(path)) {
    # If it is, set the path as the working directory
  } else {
    # If not, issue an error and recall the getPath function
    dlg_message("Error: The path you entered is not a valid directory. Please try again.")$res

# Call getPath function
folder <- getPath()

# Create and load Excel file
wb <- loadWorkbook("Combined.xlsx", create=TRUE)

# Get list of csv files in directory
pattern.ext <- "\\.csv$"
files <- dir(folder, full=TRUE, pattern=pattern.ext)

# Use substring of file names for sheet names (Excel limit) and remove extension 
files.nms <- substr(basename(files),9,39)
files.nms <- gsub(pattern.ext, "", files.nms)

# Set the names 
names(files) <- files.nms

# Iterate over each .csv and output to Excel sheet
for (nm in files.nms) {

  # Read in .csv files 
  df <- fread(files[nm])

  # Create the sheet and name as substr of file name  
  createSheet(object = wb, name = nm)

  # Writes contents of the .csv To Excel
  writeWorksheet(object = wb, data = df, sheet = nm, header = TRUE, rownames = NULL)

  # Create a custom anonymous cell style
  cs <- createCellStyle(wb)

  # Wrap text
  setWrapText(object = cs, wrap = TRUE)

  # Set column width
  setColumnWidth(object = wb, sheet = nm, column = 1:50, width = -1)


# Check to see if Excel file exists and is greater than default file size
if (file.exists("Combined.xlsx") & file.size("Combined.xlsx") > 8731) {
  dlg_message("Your Excel file has been created.")$res
} else {
  dlg_message("Error: Your file may not have been created or compelted properly. Please verify and try again if necessary.")$res

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



# Load package

# Create workbook
wb <- createWorkbook()

# Define data.frames you want to write (adapt to your scenario)    
df <- c("mtcars", "iris")

# Loop over the length of the dataframes defined above
for(i in 1:length(df)){
    # Create a work sheet and call it the numeric value
    addWorksheet(wb, as.character(i))
    # In the first row, first column, specify the df name
    writeData(wb, i, df[i], startRow = 1, startCol = 1)
    # Write the data.frame to the second row, first column
    writeData(wb, i, eval(parse(text=df[i])), startRow = 2, startCol = 1)

# Save workbook
saveWorkbook(wb, "eg.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)