var prod_points = new L.layerGroup();
var hub1 = new L.layerGroup();
var hub2 = new L.layerGroup();
var dip1 = new L.layerGroup();
var bok1 = new L.layerGroup();
$.getJSON("../data/places.geojson", function(json) {
// base Circle object
// predefine all the others
function prodCircle(fillColor) {
this.fillColor = fillColor
this.radius = 5
this.fill = true
this.color = "#000000"
this.weight = 0.5
this.opacity = 1
this.fillOpacity = 1
// Now you can make all your circles easily
// and they can be referenced with prodCirkel[0],
// prodCirkel[1], etc...
let prodCirkels = [
new prodCirkel('#000000'), //0 Black
new prodCirkel('#808080'), //1 Gray
new prodCirkel('#cc0099'), //2 Wine-red
new prodCirkel('#0000cc'), //3 Blue
new prodCirkel('#ffffff'), //4 White
new prodCirkel('#0000ff') //5 Blue
const colors = {
HUB_01: '#ffffff', //White
HUB_02: '#ff9900', //Orange
DIP_01: '#ffffff', //White
BOK_01: '#ffffff', //White
const weights = {
HUB_01: 4,
HUB_02: 3,
DIP_01: 3,
BOK_01: 2
const radius = {
HUB_01: 16,
HUB_02: 12,
DIP_01: 12,
BOK_01: 8
const fillOpacity = {
HUB_01: 0.4,
HUB_02: 0.4,
geoLayer = L.geoJson(json, {
//onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
var id = feature.properties.KonceptID;
var prod;
// forEach will loop through all the cirkels and perform a function
prodCirkels.forEach(cirk => cirk.color = colors[id] || "#000000")
prodCirkels.forEach(w => w.weight = weights[id] || 0.5)
prodCirkels.forEach(r => r.radius = radius[id] || 5)
prodCirkels.forEach(f => f.fillOpacity = fillOpacity[id] || 1)
//console.log("colors: ", prodCirkels[1].color, prodCirkels[2].color)
// Filtrering
if (id === 'HUB_01' || id === 'HUB_02') {
prod = new L.circleMarker(latlng, prodCirkels[0]).addTo(hub1);
} else if (id === 'DIP_01') {
prod = new L.circleMarker(latlng, prodCirkels[2]).addTo(dip1);
} else if (id === 'BOK_01') {
prod = new L.circleMarker(latlng, prodCirkels[3]).addTo(bok1);
} else {
prod = null
return prod;
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
var popupText = "Places: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.koncept + '</b>' +
"<br>Name: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.Name + '</b>' +
"<br>Address: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.Address + '</b>, ' + '<b>' + feature.properties.ZipCode + '</b>, ' + '<b>' + feature.properties.City + '</b>' +
"<br>Date: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.Date + '</b>';
/* "<br><a href='" + feature.properties.dip + "'>More info</a>";*/
layer.bindPopup(popupText, {
closeButton: true,
offset: L.point(0, -20)
layer.on('click', function() {