我已经使用StringBuilder从我的表中创建了数据作为段落,并将其发送到第三方应用程序。在此过程中,他们添加了一个新条目,并且将其视为以下数据。表格中的数据从“ IQTrack的开始文本”开始,并已使用 StringBuilder 作为段落创建。以“已添加”开头的数据是新添加的数据。
***--Begin text from IQTrack task #1--***
Action: Here is the sample action text from task 1.
Result: Here is the sample result text from task 1.
Private Note: Here is sample private note from task 1.
***--End text from IQTrack task #1--***
***--Begin text from IQTrack task #2--***
Action: Here is the sample action text from task 2.
Result: Here is the sample result text from task 2.
Private Note: Here is sample private note from task 2.
***--End text from IQTrack task #2--***
***--Added 09/14/2018 by Edward Engineer--***
I fixed the part that we needed to handle on our end. Sending back to XXXX
to finish this up.
如何将新添加的数据添加到表中?请帮我解决。 我尝试了很多可能性,但没有提供解决方案。