用C ++循环跳过矢量元素?

时间:2018-09-13 23:58:15

标签: c++ for-loop

我的任务是创建一个'x'数字向量,并使用“ Eratosthenes筛”在该向量中找到质数。我遍历向量,将所有非素元素替换为零。然后,我做了一个for循环来擦除所有零。循环删除了大多数零,但跳过了一些

vector<int> primes;
int userNum = 0; //variable for user to input the size of the vector
cout << "Enter your num, brah";
cin >> userNum;
for (int i = 2; i < userNum; i++) //creates a vector of numbers

int j = 0; //variable to find non-primes

for (int p = primes[0]; p < primes.size(); p++) //loop to replace non-primes with zeros
    j = p+p;

    while (j < (primes.size() +2)) {

        replace(primes.begin(), primes.end(), j, 0);

        j+= p;


for (int y = 0; y < primes.size(); y++) { //loop to erase the zeros from the vector
    cout << "y1 " << primes[y] << " ";   //cout simply just to find see what is going on
    if (primes[y] == 0) {
        primes.erase(primes.begin() +y);
        cout << "y2: " << y << endl;  //cout simply just to find see what is going on


cout << "New Vector is: " << endl; //loop to print the vector
for (int l = 0; l < primes.size(); l++)

    cout << primes[l] << ", ";

我得到的输出是: 新的向量是: 2,3,5,7,0,11,13,0,17,19,0,23,0,0,29,31,0,0,37,0,41,43,0,47,0, 0、53、0、0、59、61、0、0、67、0、71、73、0、0、79、0、83、0、0、89、0、0、0、97、0,程序以退出代码结束:0

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

无需编写循环来从向量中删除元素。使用erase-remove idiom

primes.erase(std::remove(primes.begin(), primes.end(), 0), primes.end());



// returns an iterator to where the elements to erase are to be removed
auto iter = std::remove(primes.begin(), primes.end(), 0);

// Now actually erase them, starting at iter
primes.erase(iter, primes.end());

答案 1 :(得分:1)



string vecToStr(const vector<int> &foos) {
  std::stringstream result;
  std::copy(foos.begin(), foos.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(result, " "));
  return result.str();

int main() {
  vector<int> foos = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 };
  for (int y = 0; y < foos.size(); y++) { //loop to erase the zeros from the vector
    foos.erase(foos.begin() + y);
    cout << "foos is now: " << vecToStr(foos) << " y is " << y << "\n";
  cout << "foos is now: " << vecToStr(foos) << "\n";
  char c;
  cin >> c;


foos is now: 1 2 3 4 5 6  y is 0
foos is now: 1 3 4 5 6  y is 1
foos is now: 1 3 5 6  y is 2
foos is now: 1 3 5  y is 3
foos is now: 1 3 5


对此有多种方法(请参见Remove elements of a vector inside the loop),老式的C语言实现方法是从头开始:

  int y = foos.size();
  while(y--) {
    foos.erase(foos.begin() + y);
    cout << "foos is now: " << vecToStr(foos) << " y is " << y << "\n";