我试图有条件地验证MVC.NET Core中的字段。我有两个单选按钮。如果我选择“是”(作为“所有权”),我想在必填字段(活动下拉列表)下方填写一个字段
但是,无论我怎么努力,要验证的值始终来自“活动”字段,而不是来自“所有权”字段(“ N \ A”而不是“是”)
<div class=" form-group">
<div class="bisformdynamiclabel"></div>
<br />
@Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.BIS232Request.JSONData.OwnershipActivity.Ownership, "Yes", new { id = "OwnershipAnswer_true", onclick = "displayOwnershipFieldsRow(true)" })
<label for="OwnershipAnswer_true">Yes</label>
@Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.BIS232Request.JSONData.OwnershipActivity.Ownership, "No", new { id = "OwnershipAnswer_false", onclick = "displayOwnershipFieldsRow(false)" })
<label for="OwnershipAnswer_false">No</label>
<span class="alert-danger">
<div class="row ownershipfieldsrow">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
<div class=" form-group">
<div class="bisformdynamiclabel"></div>
<br />
<input style="display:none" class="form-control" type="text" asp-for="BIS232Request.JSONData.OwnershipActivity.Activity" />
<select class="form-control ownershipactivityselect" onchange="$('#BIS232Request_JSONData_OwnershipActivity_Activity').val($(this).val()); ">
<option value="N/A">Please Select</option>
<option value="Manufacturer">Manufacturer</option>
<option value="Distributor">Distributor</option>
<option value="Exporter">Exporter</option>
<option value="Importer">Importer</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<span asp-validation-for="BIS232Request.JSONData.OwnershipActivity.Activity" class="alert-danger"></span>
<span class="alert-danger">
public string Ownership { get; set; }
[RequiredIf("Ownership", "OwnershipAnswer_true", "Activity is required if Ownership is selected")]
public string Activity { get; set; }
public class RequiredIfAttribute : ValidationAttribute
private String PropertyName { get; set; }
private String ErrorMessage { get; set; }
private Object DesiredValue { get; set; }
public RequiredIfAttribute(String propertyName, Object desiredvalue, String errormessage)
this.PropertyName = propertyName;
this.DesiredValue = desiredvalue;
this.ErrorMessage = errormessage;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext context)
Object instance = context.ObjectInstance;
Type type = instance.GetType();
Object proprtyvalue = type.GetProperty(PropertyName).GetValue(instance, null);
if (proprtyvalue.ToString() == DesiredValue.ToString() && value == null)
return new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage);
return ValidationResult.Success;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
if (proprtyvalue.ToString() == DesiredValue.ToString() && value == null)
if (proprtyvalue.ToString() == DesiredValue.ToString() && value.ToString() == "N/A")
答案 1 :(得分:1)
-然后根据[Required]设置默认的ErrorMessage和其他默认值。无论哪种方式,“ errormessage”属性都是多余的,因为您已经将此属性作为ValidationAttribute
public class RequiredIfTrueAttribute : RequiredAttribute
private string PropertyName { get; set; }
public RequiredIfTrueAttribute(string propertyName)
PropertyName = propertyName;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext context)
object instance = context.ObjectInstance;
Type type = instance.GetType();
bool.TryParse(type.GetProperty(PropertyName).GetValue(instance)?.ToString(), out bool propertyValue);
if (propertyValue && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value?.ToString()))
return new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage);
return ValidationResult.Success;
public bool IsBusinessProfile { get; set; }
[RequiredIfTrue(nameof(IsBusinessProfile), ErrorMessage = "ABN is required for Business Profiles")]
public string Abn { get; set; }
答案 2 :(得分:1)
另一种更清洁,更通用的方法是实现更通用的属性,而不是特定的“ requiredIf”属性,因为您将不得不为碰巧使用的每种验证类型创建多个自定义属性。
幸运的是,自.NET Core 2起,Microsoft提供了IPropertyValidationFilter
using System;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Validation;
namespace Foo {
// Implementation makes use of the IPropertyValidationFilter interface that allows
// control over whether the attribute (and its children, if relevant) need to be
// validated.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class ConditionalValidationAttribute : Attribute, IPropertyValidationFilter {
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
public object OtherValue { get; set; }
public ConditionalValidationAttribute(string otherProperty, object otherValue) {
OtherProperty = otherProperty;
OtherValue = otherValue;
public bool ShouldValidateEntry(ValidationEntry entry, ValidationEntry parentEntry) {
// Default behaviour if no other property is set: continue validation
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OtherProperty)) return true;
// Get the property specified by the name. Might not properly work with
// nested properties.
var prop = parentEntry.Metadata.Properties[OtherProperty]?.PropertyGetter?.Invoke(parentEntry.Model);
return prop == OtherValue;
答案 3 :(得分:0)
继承,并且还提供了客户端验证。我正在使用.Net Core 3.0
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Validation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
public class RequiredIfTrueAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientModelValidator
private string PropertyName { get; set; }
public RequiredIfTrueAttribute(string propertyName)
PropertyName = propertyName;
ErrorMessage = "The {0} field is required."; //used if error message is not set on attribute itself
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext context)
object instance = context.ObjectInstance;
Type type = instance.GetType();
bool.TryParse(type.GetProperty(PropertyName).GetValue(instance)?.ToString(), out bool propertyValue);
if (propertyValue && (value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString())))
return new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage);
return ValidationResult.Success;
public void AddValidation(ClientModelValidationContext context)
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val", "true");
var errorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(context.ModelMetadata.GetDisplayName());
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val-requirediftrue", errorMessage);
private bool MergeAttribute(IDictionary<string, string> attributes, string key, string value)
if (attributes.ContainsKey(key))
return false;
attributes.Add(key, value);
return true;
//Custom validation script for the RequiredIfTrue validator
* Note that, jQuery validation registers its rules before the DOM is loaded.
* If you try to register your adapter after the DOM is loaded, your rules will
* not be processed. So wrap it in a self-executing function.
* */
(function ($) {
var $jQval = $.validator;
function (value, element, parameters) {
return value !== "" && value != null;
var adapters = $jQval.unobtrusive.adapters;
public bool IsSpecialField { get; set; }
[RequiredIfTrue(nameof(IsSpecialField), ErrorMessage="This is my custom error message")]
[Display(Name = "Address 1")]
public string Address1 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }