在Facebook页面上发布作为页面而非管理员用户使用Facebook C#SDK

时间:2011-03-08 11:29:15

标签: facebook-c#-sdk

我正在开发使用Facebook C#SDK在Facebook上管理粉丝页面的C#应用​​程序。我遇到了两个问题,一个是关于在墙上发布消息,另一个是关于在粉丝页面上创建事件。


我可以使用Facebook C#SDK以编程方式在粉丝页面上创建活动(不是作为管理员,而是作为粉丝页面)吗?

我浏览了其他SDK的其他SDK教程,例如Facebook PHP SDK。 PHP SDK允许将事件创建为粉丝页面,但在C#SDK的情况下,创建事件不会产生任何结果。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


无论如何,这是我使用C#Facebook SDK Beta V5.0.9的方式。 第一步,确保您尝试发布的用户帐户能够发布到粉丝页面,并且有权通过应用程序进行发布。


Dictionary<string,string> fbParams = new Dictionary<string,string>();
                fbParams["message"] = Title;
                fbParams["caption"] = string.Empty;
                fbParams["description"] = string.Empty;
                fbParams["req_perms"] = "publish_stream";
                fbParams["scope"] = "publish_stream";
                //Initialize Your Facebook Client in the manner that suits you, I did it by supplying a saved access token from a single users
                FacebookWebClient fbClient = new FacebookWebClient(<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_TOKEN>);
                //Get the listing of accounts associated with the user
                dynamic fbAccounts = fbClient.Get("/me/accounts");

                //Loop over the accounts looking for the ID that matches your destination ID (Fan Page ID)
                foreach (dynamic account in fbAccounts.data) {
                    if (account.id == <DESTINATION_ID_OF_YOUR_FAN_PAGE>) {
                        //When you find it, grab the associated access token and put it in the Dictionary to pass in the FB Post, then break out.
                        fbParams["access_token"] = account.access_token;
                //Then pass your destination ID and target along with FB Post info. You're Done.
                dynamic publishedResponse = fbClient.Post("/" + <DESTINATION_ID_OF_YOUR_FAN_PAGE> + "/feed", fbParams);

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要发布消息,您需要授予manages_pages权限,并使用“/ me / accounts”的结果从粉丝页面的帐户中获取访问令牌。


                            var dicParams = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        dicParams["message"] = stSmContentTitle;
                        dicParams["caption"] = string.Empty;
                        dicParams["description"] = string.Empty;
                        dicParams["name"] = smContent.CmeUrl;
                        dicParams["req_perms"] = "publish_stream";
                        dicParams["scope"] = "publish_stream";

                        // Get the access token of the posting user if we need to
                        if (destinationID != this.FacebookAccount.UserAccountId)
                            dicParams["access_token"] = this.getPostingUserAuthToken(destinationID);
                        publishResponse = this.FacebookConnection.Post("/" + destinationID + "/feed", dicParams);

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public void postFacebook(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //You will get your "myAccessToken" at this adress:
    string myAccessToken = "<IN_THE_RETURNED_URL_BELOW>";
    string myPageId = "<YOUR_FAN_PAGE_ID>";

    Dictionary<string,string> fbParams = new Dictionary<string,string>();
    fbParams["message"] = "Testing 1 2 test";
    fbParams["caption"] = string.Empty;
    fbParams["description"] = string.Empty;
    fbParams["req_perms"] = "publish_stream";
    fbParams["scope"] = "publish_stream";
    //Initialize Your Facebook Client in the manner that suits you, I did it by supplying a saved access token from a single users
    Facebook.FacebookAPI fbClient = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(myAccessToken);
    //Get the listing of accounts associated with the user
    var fbAccounts = fbClient.Get("/me/accounts");

    //Loop over the accounts looking for the ID that matches your destination ID (Fan Page ID)
    foreach (var account in fbAccounts.Dictionary["data"].Array)
        if (account.Dictionary["id"].String == myPageId)
            //When you find it, grab the associated access token and put it in the Dictionary to pass in the FB Post, then break out.
            fbParams["access_token"] = account.Dictionary["access_token"].String;

            //Update the Access token (to post as the page). If you don't it will post as YOUR personal name.
            fbClient.AccessToken = fbParams["access_token"];

    //Then pass your destination ID and target along with FB Post info. You're Done.
    dynamic publishedResponse = fbClient.Post("/" + myPageId + "/feed", fbParams);


答案 3 :(得分:1)


    public ActionResult PostNotification(FacebookContext context)
        var dicParams = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        dicParams["message"] = "đang tập code cho facebook ~@@";
        dicParams["caption"] = "bbbbb";
        dicParams["description"] = "cccccc";
        dicParams["name"] = "http://www.facebook.com";
        dicParams["req_perms"] = "publish_stream";
        dicParams["scope"] = "publish_stream";
        string destinationID = context.UserId;
        context.Client.Post("/" + destinationID + "/feed", dicParams);
        return RedirectToAction("Index");