// ----- Function that sends values to index-ajax.php which filters the dropdowns -----
$("#collector, #date, #status, #repcode, #balancegroup").change(function(e){
$("#date .choice").hide();
$("#status .choice").hide();
$("#repcode .choice").hide();
$("#balancegroup .choice").hide();
$.each(data, function(key,row) {
$("#date option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item ) != -1;
$("#status option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item1 ) != -1;
$("#repcode option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item2 ) != -1;
$("#balancegroup option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item3 ) != -1;
$("#collector .choice").hide();
$("#status .choice").hide();
$("#repcode .choice").hide();
$("#balancegroup .choice").hide();
$.each(data, function(key,row) {
$("#collector option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item ) != -1;
$("#status option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item1 ) != -1;
$("#repcode option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item2 ) != -1;
$("#balancegroup option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item3 ) != -1;
$("#collector .choice").hide();
$("#date .choice").hide();
$("#repcode .choice").hide();
$("#balancegroup .choice").hide();
$.each(data, function(key,row) {
$("#collector option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item ) != -1;
$("#date option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item1 ) != -1;
$("#repcode option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item2 ) != -1;
$("#balancegroup option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item3 ) != -1;
$.post('index-ajax.php',{filter:'Report Code',by:$(this).val()},function(data){
$("#collector .choice").hide();
$("#date .choice").hide();
$("#status .choice").hide();
$("#balancegroup .choice").hide();
$.each(data, function(key,row) {
$("#collector option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item ) != -1;
$("#date option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item1 ) != -1;
$("#status option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item2 ) != -1;
$("#balancegroup option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item3 ) != -1;
$.post('index-ajax.php',{filter:'Balance Group',by:$(this).val()},function(data){
$("#collector .choice").hide();
$("#date .choice").hide();
$("#status .choice").hide();
$("#repcode .choice").hide();
$.each(data, function(key,row) {
$("#collector option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item ) != -1;
$("#date option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item1 ) != -1;
$("#status option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item2 ) != -1;
$("#repcode option").filter(function(i){
return $(this).attr("value").indexOf( row.item3 ) != -1;
$dbh = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=$host;Database=$dbName", $dbUser, $dbPass);
if (isset($_POST['filter']) and isset($_POST['by'])) {
$results = array();
if (!empty($_POST['by'])) {
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($_POST['filter'] == 'Name') {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Date Group - Filter] as item,
[Line Status] as item1,
[Parent Report Code] as item2,
[Balance Group - Filter] as item3
FROM [Test_Spec_Bill]
WHERE [Collector Name] = ? AND [Next Bill Date] = 'Yes'"; }
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($_POST['filter'] == 'Date') {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Collector Name] as item,
[Line Status] as item1,
[Parent Report Code] as item2,
[Balance Group - Filter] as item3
FROM [Test_Spec_Bill]
WHERE [Date Group - Filter] = ? AND [Next Bill Date] = 'Yes'"; }
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($_POST['filter'] == 'Status') {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Collector Name] as item,
[Date Group - Filter] as item1,
[Parent Report Code] as item2,
[Balance Group - Filter] as item3
FROM [Test_Spec_Bill]
WHERE [Line Status] = ? AND [Next Bill Date] = 'Yes'"; }
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($_POST['filter'] == 'Report Code') {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Collector Name] as item,
[Date Group - Filter] as item1,
[Line Status] as item2,
[Balance Group - Filter] as item3
FROM [Test_Spec_Bill]
WHERE [Parent Report Code] = ? AND [Next Bill Date] = 'Yes'"; }
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($_POST['filter'] == 'Balance Group') {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Collector Name] as item,
[Date Group - Filter] as item1,
[Line Status] as item2,
[Parent Report Code] as item3
FROM [Test_Spec_Bill]
WHERE [Balance Group - Filter] = ? AND [Next Bill Date] = 'Yes'"; }
// -----------------------------------------------------
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $results[] = $row; }
echo json_encode( $results );