尝试将laravel / homestead添加到Vagrant中时出现错误:该包装盒无法正确解包

时间:2018-09-13 06:58:47

标签: laravel vagrant virtualbox homestead

这个问题已经困扰我大约几天了。 使用:

  • Virtual Box 5.2.18
  • 流浪者2.0.2(也适用于版本2.1.5)
  • MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
  • Ruby 2.5.1

当我调用命令 vagrant box add laravel / homestead 时,出现以下错误:

box: Adding box 'laravel/homestead' (v6.3.0) for provider: virtualbox
box: Downloading: https://vagrantcloud.com/laravel/boxes/homestead/versions/6.3.0/providers/virtualbox.box
The box failed to unpackage properly. Please verify that the box
file you're trying to add is not corrupted and that enough disk space
is available and then try again.
The output from attempting to unpackage (if any):

bsdtar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/Users/someone/.vagrant.d/tmp/box294969b313e1338f0cd6a347f68be3b599016863'



  • 重新安装Vagrant
  • 更新macOS
  • 删除vagrant.d / tmp文件夹并尝试添加以错误结尾的laravel / homestead框
  • 降级Virtual Box
  • 多次重复命令哈哈哈


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