
时间:2018-09-13 00:33:45

标签: python-3.x pandas


def calculate_adeck_errors(in_file):
    print(f'Starting Data Calculations: {datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")}')
    pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 12)

    # read in the raw csv
    adeck_df = pd.read_csv(in_file)

    #extract only the carq items and remove duplicates
    carq_data = adeck_df[(adeck_df.MODEL == 'CARQ') & (adeck_df.TAU == 0)].drop_duplicates(keep='last')

    #remove carq items from original
    final_df = adeck_df[adeck_df.MODEL != 'CARQ']

    row_list = []
    for index, row in carq_data.iterrows():
        position_time = row['POSDATETIME']
        for index, arow in final_df.iterrows():
            if arow['POSDATETIME'] == position_time:
                # match, so do calculations
                storm_id = arow['STORMID']
                model_base_time = arow['MODELDATETIME']
                the_hour = arow['TAU']
                the_model = arow['MODEL']
                point1 = float(row['LAT']), float(row['LON'])
                point2 = float(arow['LAT']), float(arow['LON'])
                if arow['LAT'] == 0.0:
                    dist_error = None
                    dist_error = int(round(haversine(point1, point2, miles=True)))

                if arow['WIND'] != 0:
                    wind_error = int(abs(int(row['WIND']) - int(arow['WIND'])))
                else: wind_error = None

                if arow['PRES'] != 0:
                    pressure_error = int(abs(int(row['PRES']) - int(arow['PRES'])))
                    pressure_error = None

                lat_carq = row['LAT']
                lon_carq = row['LON']
                lat_model = arow['LAT']
                lon_model = arow['LON']
                wind_carq = row['WIND']
                wind_model = arow['WIND']
                pres_carq = row['PRES']
                pres_model = arow['PRES']

                row_list.append([storm_id, model_base_time, the_model, the_hour, lat_carq, lon_carq, lat_model, lon_model, dist_error,
                             wind_carq, wind_model, wind_error, pres_carq, pres_model, pressure_error])

    result_df = pd.DataFrame(row_list)
    result_df = result_df.where((pd.notnull(result_df)), None)
    result_cols = ['StormID', 'ModelBasetime', 'Model' , 'Tau',
               'LatCARQ', 'LonCARQ', 'LatModel', 'LonModel', 'DistError',
               'WindCARQ', 'WindModel','WindError',
               'PresCARQ', 'PresModel','PresError']

    result_df.columns = result_cols


要弄清楚我在做什么: 1. CARQ条目是控件(实际)。 2.其他模型是猜测。 3.我正在将控件(CARQ)与猜测进行比较,以查看其错误所在。 4.比较的基础是MODELBASETIME = POSBASETIME 4.我正在处理的示例文件在这里:http://vortexweather.com/downloads/adeck/aal062018.csv


非常感谢您的建议。 布莱恩

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



for _, row in carq_data.iterrows():
    for _, arow in final_df.iterrows():
        if arow['POSDATETIME'] == row['POSDATETIME']:
            # do something by using both tables



merged = carq_data.merge(final_df, on=['POSDATETIME'])


>>> a
   a   b
0  1  11
1  1  33
>>> b
   a  b
0  1  2
1  1  3
2  1  4
>>> merged = a.merge(b, on=['a'])
>>> merged
   a  b_x  b_y
0  1   11    2
1  1   11    3
2  1   11    4
3  1   33    2
4  1   33    3
5  1   33    4



def calc_dist_error(row):
    return int(round(haversine(row['b_x'], row['b_y'], miles=True))) if row['a'] != 0.0 else None


merged['dist_error'] = merged.apply(calc_dist_error, axis=1)


>>> merged['c'] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3]
>>> merged
   a  b_x  b_y  c
0  1   11    2  1
1  1   11    3  0
2  1   11    4  0
3  1   33    2  0
4  1   33    3  2
5  1   33    4  3
>>> def foo(row):
...     return row['b_x'] - row['b_y'] if row['c'] != 0 else None
>>> merged['dist_error'] = merged.apply(foo, axis=1)
>>> merged
   a  b_x  b_y  c  dist_error
0  1   11    2  1         9.0
1  1   11    3  0         NaN
2  1   11    4  0         NaN
3  1   33    2  0         NaN
4  1   33    3  2        30.0
5  1   33    4  3        29.0


答案 1 :(得分:0)


该代码看起来与您编写的代码非常相似,不同之处在于main_function中的所有操作均已向量化。参见Fast, Flexible, Easy and Intuitive: How to Speed Up Your Pandas Projects


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
from haversine import haversine

def main_function(df, row):
    The main difference here is that everything is vectorized
    Returns: DataFrame

    df_new = pd.DataFrame()
    df_storage = pd.DataFrame()

    pos_datetime = df.POSDATETIME.isin([row['POSDATETIME']])  # creates a Boolean map
    array_len = len(pos_datetime)
    new_index = pos_datetime.index

    df_new['StormID'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'STORMID']
    df_new['ModelBaseTime'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'MODELDATETIME']
    df_new['Model'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'MODEL']
    df_new['Tau'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'TAU']

    # Distance
    df_new['LatCARQ'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['LAT']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_new['LonCARQ'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['LON']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_new['LatModel'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'LAT']
    df_new['LonModel'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'LON']

    def calc_dist_error(row):
        return round(haversine((row['LatCARQ'], row['LonCARQ']), (row['LatModel'], row['LonModel']), miles=True)) if row['LatModel'] != 0.0 else None

    df_new['DistError'] = df_new.apply(calc_dist_error, axis=1)

    # Wind
    df_new['WindCARQ'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['WIND']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_new['WindModel'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'WIND']
    df_storage['row_WIND'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['WIND']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_storage['df_WIND'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'WIND']

    def wind_error_calc(row):
        return (row['row_WIND'] - row['df_WIND']) if row['df_WIND'] != 0 else None

    df_new['WindError'] = df_storage.apply(wind_error_calc, axis=1)

    # Air Pressure
    df_new['PresCARQ'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['PRES']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_new['PresModel'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'PRES']
    df_storage['row_PRES'] = pd.DataFrame(np.full((array_len, 1), row['PRES']), index=new_index).loc[pos_datetime, 0]
    df_storage['df_PRES'] = df.loc[pos_datetime, 'PRES']

    def pres_error_calc(row):
        return abs(row['row_PRES'] - row['df_PRES']) if row['df_PRES'] != 0 else None

    df_new['PresError'] = df_storage.apply(pres_error_calc, axis=1)


    return df_new

def calculate_adeck_errors(in_file):
    Retruns: DataFrame
    print(f'Starting Data Calculations: {datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M:%S%p on %B %d, %Y")}')
    pd.set_option('max_columns', 20)
    pd.set_option('max_rows', 300)

    # read in the raw csv
    adeck_df = pd.read_csv(in_file)
    adeck_df['MODELDATETIME'] = pd.to_datetime(adeck_df['MODELDATETIME'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    adeck_df['POSDATETIME'] = pd.to_datetime(adeck_df['POSDATETIME'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

    #extract only the carq items and remove duplicates
    carq_data = adeck_df[(adeck_df.MODEL == 'CARQ') & (adeck_df.TAU == 0)].drop_duplicates(keep='last')    
    print('Len carq_data: ', len(carq_data))

    #remove carq items from original
    final_df = adeck_df[adeck_df.MODEL != 'CARQ']
    print('Len final_df: ', len(final_df))

    df_out_new = pd.DataFrame()

    for index, row in carq_data.iterrows():

        test_df = main_function(final_df, row)  # function call

        df_out_new = df_out_new.append(test_df, sort=False)

    df_out_new = df_out_new.reset_index(drop=True)
    df_out_new = df_out_new.where((pd.notnull(df_out_new)), None)

    print(f'Finishing Data Calculations: {datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M:%S%p on %B %d, %Y")}')
    return df_out_new

in_file = 'aal062018.csv'

df = calculate_adeck_errors(in_file)
>>>Starting Data Calculations: 02:18:30AM on September 13, 2018
>>>Len carq_data:  56
>>>Len final_df:  137999
>>>Finishing Data Calculations: 02:18:39AM on September 13, 2018


