存在`fb:app_id`标签时,Facebook App链接无法打开iOS应用

时间:2018-09-12 16:38:41

标签: ios facebook-opengraph deep-linking


-- the "index" type
data Currency = Usd | Eur | Gbp

-- the "singleton" type
-- If you want to autogenerate this, check out the singletons
-- package on Hackage
data SCurrency (a :: Currency) where
   SUsd :: Scurrency Usd
   SEur :: Scurrency Eur
   SGbp :: Scurrency Gbp

-- the "indexed" type
data CurrencyQty (a :: Currency) where
  CurrencyQty :: SCurrency a -> Double -> CurrencyQty a

instance Num (CurrencyQty a) where
   ... -- you have to manually write this, I guess?

inUsd :: CurrencyQty a -> IO (CurrencyQty Usd)
inUsd (CurrencyQty SUsd x) = return x
inUsd (CurrencyQty SEur x) = fmap (*x) $ currentExchangeRate Usd Eur
inUsd (CurrencyQty SGbp x) = fmap (*x) $ currentExchangeRate Usd Gbp


当我删除numcols=3 # specify the number of columns you want all_categories=df['Category_Column'].unique() # array of strings to use as your filters and titles rows=alt.vconcat(data=df) numrows=int(np.ceil(len(all_categories) / numcols)) pointer=0 for _ in range(numrows): row=all_categories[pointer:pointer+numcols] cols=alt.hconcat() for a_chart in row: # add your layers here # line chart line=alt.Chart().mark_line(point=True).encode( x='variable', y='value' ).transform_filter(datum.Category_Column == a_chart).properties( title=a_chart, height=200, width=200) # text labels text=alt.Chart().mark_text().encode( x='variable', y='value' ).transform_filter(datum.Category_Column == a_chart) both = line + text cols |= both rows &= cols pointer += numcols rows 标记时,它神奇地起作用。每次我更新元标记以确保Facebook抓取正确的标记时,我都会重新发布该链接。

Facebook是否禁用包含 <meta property="al:ios:url" content="test-scheme://open"> <meta property="al:ios:app_store_id" content="111111111"> <meta property="al:ios:app_name" content="My App"> <meta property="og:title" content="My Title"> <meta property="og:description" content="My description"> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="{my app id}"> <meta property="og:type" content="article"> 的页面的应用程序链接?

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