
时间:2018-09-12 07:21:40

标签: python

我正在尝试制作一个GUI,以便用户可以编辑/修改自己的用户输入'x1'或'x2'等,如代码中所示。我的理解是,这些是函数中函数的变量。因此,我发现在逻辑上跳到下一步非常具有挑战性。您的建议将不胜感激。提前致谢, 乔治

#Form filling mapping
import io

import pdfrw
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

def run():
    canvas_data = get_overlay_canvas()
    form = merge(canvas_data, template_path='./SmartInvoice.pdf')
    save(form, filename='merged.pdf')

def get_overlay_canvas() -> io.BytesIO:
    data = io.BytesIO()
    pdf = canvas.Canvas(data)
    #Invoice issuer, company name etc:
    pdf.drawString(x=100, y=727, text='x1')
    #Issuer address
    pdf.drawString(x=100, y=711, text='x2')
    #ABN or ACN
    pdf.drawString(x=100, y=696, text='x3')
    #Phone Contact
    pdf.drawString(x=100, y=681, text='x4')
    #Invoice issued to:
    pdf.drawString(x=83, y=606, text='x5')
    #Customer Details:
    pdf.drawString(x=83, y=591, text='x6')
    #Tax Invoice No.
    pdf.drawString(x=535, y=674, text='x7')
    #Date of issuance of invoice
    pdf.drawString(x=516, y=658, text='x8')
    #Form Description
    pdf.drawString(x=33, y=650, text='x9')
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=458, text='$1,000,000')
    #Subtotal 2
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=400, text='$1,500,000')
    #Subtotal 3
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=342, text='$4,000,000')
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=237, text='$6,500,000')
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=210, text='$715,000')
    #Total Inc. GST
    pdf.drawString(x=500, y=178, text='$7,150,000')
    #Description of good or service provided.
    pdf.drawString(x=45, y=465, text='x23')
    #Payment methods:
    pdf.drawString(x=150, y=120, text='x22')
    #Payment due by date:
    pdf.drawString(x=86, y=151, text='16/08/2018')
    return data

def merge(overlay_canvas: io.BytesIO, template_path: str) -> io.BytesIO:
    template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(template_path)
    overlay_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(overlay_canvas)
    for page, data in zip(template_pdf.pages, overlay_pdf.pages):
        overlay = pdfrw.PageMerge().add(data)[0]
    form = io.BytesIO()
    pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(form, template_pdf)
    return form

def save(form: io.BytesIO, filename: str):
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

if __name__ == '__main__':

0 个答案:
