Coinbase PUT请求无效签名(使用Gamesparks后端)

时间:2018-09-11 21:40:05

标签: put signature coinbase-api gamesparks

我正在使用Gamesparks(.com)CloudCode连接到Coinbase API。使用的语言与Node.js非常相似。 我正在使用api键+秘密方法。

到目前为止,我已经成功进行了公开和已验证的GET调用。即时间和当前用户详细信息。我使用Node.js github存储库作为源代码,它揭示了一些细节并极大地帮助构建了自己的脚本。

正如我所说,我可以成功拨打auth GET呼叫并接收我的用户详细信息。 下一步,我想使用PUT方法更改用户名。

现在,当尝试发出PUT请求时,出现无效签名错误。 这导致我得出这样的结论:我正在发出的消息一定是错误的(因为没有身体的获取效果很好)。


    /// Coinbase API class.Makes all the required calls and returns the result.

var CoinbaseAPI = new function()
    var apiKey = "...";
    var apiSecret = "...";
    var apiVersion = "2018-08-30";
    var baseURL = "";

    // get unix time in seconds
    var time = Spark.getHttp("").get().getResponseJson().data.epoch;

    /// GETTERS - public getters. to be used in other scripts.
    this.getUserDetails = function()
        return makeApiCall("user", null, "GET");

    this.setUsername = function(username)
        var userData = {"username": username};
        return makeApiCall("user", userData, "PUT");

    function makeApiCall(command, body, method)
        // Gamesparks'http requests class/type
        // Helps with constructing a rest call (SparkHttp:
        var response;

        // I create the body string, following Node.js source as example
        var bodyStr = body ? JSON.stringify(body) : "";

        // create request data. this is just for easier adding stuff later.
        var req = 
            method: method,
            path: "/v2/" + command,
            bodyString: bodyStr

        // Final url to be called with SparkHttp object
        var cUrl = baseURL + req.path;

        // create the prehash string
        var theMessage = time + req.method + req.path + req.bodyString;

        // create a hexedecimal encoded SHA256 signature of the message
        var sign = Spark.getDigester().hmacSha256Hex(apiSecret, theMessage);

        // just a debug spit in the gamesparks web IDE
        Spark.setScriptData("debug", { prehashString : theMessage, finalURL : cUrl } );

        // create headers
        var headers = 
            "Content-Type" : "application/json",
            "Accept" : "application/json",
            "CB-ACCESS-SIGN": sign,
            "CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP": time,
            "CB-ACCESS-KEY": apiKey,
            "CB-VERSION": apiVersion

        if(method === "GET")
            // Make the actual call. Url, headers and call GET method
            response = Spark.getHttp(cUrl).setHeaders(headers).get();

            // Return the json of the SparkHttoResponse (
            return response.getResponseJson();
        else if(method === "PUT")
            // Make the actual call. Url, headers and call PUT json method (has more functions, see link above)
            response = Spark.getHttp(cUrl).setHeaders(headers).putJson(body);
            return response.getResponseJson();

        // return result
        return response.getResponseJson();



"result": {
  "errors": [
      "id": "authentication_error",
      "message": "invalid signature"
"debug": {
  "prehashString": "1536701712PUT/v2/user{\"username\":\"newUsername\"}",
  "finalURL": ""

我不确定这是怎么回事。但是我怀疑这是prehash字符串。 感谢您的宝贵时间。

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