这是我到现在为止所拥有的。感谢Brian Rodgers:
public class JsonSerializeTest
public void deserialize_test()
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CustomContractResolver() };
var jsonString = "{\"PropertyA\":\"Test\",\"PropertyB\":null}";
var jsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NoConfigModel>(jsonString, settings);
public class NoConfigModel
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
public int PropertyB { get; set; }
public bool PropertyC { get; set; }
class CustomContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ShouldDeserialize = instance =>
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)member;
if (prop.CanRead)
var value = prop.GetValue(instance, null);// getting default value(0) here instead of null for PropertyB
return value != null;
return false;
return property;
我上面的代码很接近,但是不够接近。我想我需要找到一种方法来知道json中的值实际上为空,并为这些情况设置ShouldDeserialize =false
答案 0 :(得分:2)
class CustomContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
class NullToDefaultValueProvider : ValueProviderDecorator
readonly object defaultValue;
public NullToDefaultValueProvider(IValueProvider baseProvider, object defaultValue) : base(baseProvider)
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public override void SetValue(object target, object value)
base.SetValue(target, value ?? defaultValue);
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property != null && property.PropertyType.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) == null && property.Writable)
var defaultValue = property.DefaultValue ?? Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
// When a null value is encountered in the JSON we want to set a default value in the class.
property.PropertyType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { property.PropertyType });
property.ValueProvider = new NullToDefaultValueProvider(property.ValueProvider, defaultValue);
// Remember that the underlying property is actually not nullable so GetValue() will never return null.
// Thus the below just overrides JsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling to force the value to be set
// (to the default) even when null is encountered.
property.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include;
return property;
// As of 7.0.1, Json.NET suggests using a static instance for "stateless" contract resolvers, for performance reasons.
// http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/ContractResolver.htm
// http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/M_Newtonsoft_Json_Serialization_DefaultContractResolver__ctor_1.htm
// "Use the parameterless constructor and cache instances of the contract resolver within your application for optimal performance."
// See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33557737/does-json-net-cache-types-serialization-information
static CustomContractResolver instance;
// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static CustomContractResolver() { instance = new CustomContractResolver(); }
public static CustomContractResolver Instance { get { return instance; } }
public abstract class ValueProviderDecorator : IValueProvider
readonly IValueProvider baseProvider;
public ValueProviderDecorator(IValueProvider baseProvider)
if (baseProvider == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
this.baseProvider = baseProvider;
public virtual object GetValue(object target) { return baseProvider.GetValue(target); }
public virtual void SetValue(object target, object value) { baseProvider.SetValue(target, value); }
decorator来映射传入的{{ 1}}值恢复为以前的默认值(不能为null,因为基础类型不能为null)。
如果您的类型使用parameterized constructor,则可能还需要覆盖DefaultContractResolver.CreatePropertyFromConstructorParameter
您可能想cache the contract resolver以获得最佳性能。