答案 0 :(得分:7)
首先,所有动画都需要由一个主动画控制器驱动,以便我们可以逐步执行我们想要的动画的任何部分。其次,我们要记录的小部件树必须包含在具有全局键的 RepaintBoundary
中。 RepaintBoundary 及其键可以生成小部件树的快照,如下所示:
Future<Uint8List> _capturePngToUint8List() async {
// renderBoxKey is the global key of my RepaintBoundary
RenderRepaintBoundary boundary = renderBoxKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
// pixelratio allows you to render it at a higher resolution than the actual widget in the application.
ui.Image image = await boundary.toImage(pixelRatio: 2.0);
ByteData byteData = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
Uint8List pngBytes = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
return pngBytes;
然后可以在一个循环中使用上述方法,该循环将小部件树捕获为 pngBytes,并按照您想要的帧率指定的 deltaT 使 animationController 向前步进:
double t = 0;
int i = 1;
setState(() {
animationController.value = 0.0;
Map<int, Uint8List> frames = {};
double dt = (1 / 60) / animationController.duration.inSeconds.toDouble();
while (t <= 1.0) {
print("Rendering... ${t * 100}%");
var bytes = await _capturePngToUint8List();
frames[i] = bytes;
t += dt;
setState(() {
animationController.value = t;
最后,所有这些 png 帧都可以通过管道传输到 ffmpeg 子进程以写入视频。 我还没有设法让这部分工作得很好,所以我所做的是将所有 png 帧写出到实际的 png 文件中,然后我在写入它们的文件夹中手动运行 ffmpeg。 (注意:我已经使用 flutter desktop 来访问我安装的 ffmpeg,但是有 a package on pub.dev to get ffmpeg on mobile too)
List<Future<File>> fileWriterFutures = [];
frames.forEach((key, value) {
fileWriterFutures.add(_writeFile(bytes: value, location: r"D:\path\to\my\images\folder\" + "frame_$key.png"));
await Future.wait(fileWriterFutures);
Future<File> _writeFile({@required String location, @required Uint8List bytes}) async {
File file = File(location);
return file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
这是我的 FFmpeg runner 函数:
void _runFFmpeg() async {
// ffmpeg -y -r 60 -start_number 1 -i frame_%d.png -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation -pix_fmt yuv420p test.mp4
var process = await Process.start(
"-y", // replace output file if it already exists
"-r", "60", // framrate
"-start_number", "1",
"-i", r"./test/frame_%d.png", // <- Change to location of images
"-an", // don't expect audio
"-c:v", "libx264rgb", // H.264 encoding
"-preset", "medium",
"10", // Ranges 0-51 indicates lossless compression to worst compression. Sane options are 0-30
"-tune", "animation",
"-preset", "medium",
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
r"./test/test.mp4" // <- Change to location of output
mode: ProcessStartMode.inheritStdio // This mode causes some issues at times, so just remove it if it doesn't work. I use it mostly to debug the ffmpeg process' output
print("Done Rendering");
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我使用 Erik 的答案作为我自己实现的起点,并想添加到他的原始答案中。
将所有 png 图片保存到目标位置后,我使用 Flutter 的 ffmpeg 包创建了所有图片的视频。由于花了一段时间才找到合适的设置来创建一个也可以由 QuickTime Player 播放的视频,我想与您分享:
final FlutterFFmpeg _flutterFFmpeg =
new FlutterFFmpeg(); // Create new ffmpeg instance somewhere in your code
// Function to create the video. All png files must be available in your target location prior to calling this function.
Future<String> _createVideoFromPngFiles(String location, int framerate) async {
final dateAsString = DateFormat('ddMMyyyy_hhmmss').format(DateTime.now());
final filePath =
"$location/video_$dateAsString.mov"; // had to use mov to be able to play the video on QuickTime
var arguments = [
"-y", // Replace output file if it already exists
"-r", "$framerate", // Your target framerate
"-start_number", "1",
"$location/frame_%d.png", // The location where you saved all your png files
"-an", // Don't expect audio
"libx264", // H.264 encoding, make sure to use the full-gpl ffmpeg package version
"-preset", "medium",
"10", // Ranges 0-51 indicates lossless compression to worst compression. Sane options are 0-30
"-tune", "animation",
"-preset", "medium",
"yuv420p", // Set the pixel format to make it compatible for QuickTime
"pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2", // Make sure that height and width are divisible by 2
final result = await _flutterFFmpeg.executeWithArguments(arguments);
return result == 0
? filePath
: ''; // Result == 0 indicates that video creation was successful
如果您使用 libx264
,请确保按照 flutter_ffmpeg 软件包的说明进行操作:您必须使用 full-gpl
版本,其中包含 x264 库。