我可以覆盖Javascript Function对象来记录所有函数调用吗?

时间:2011-03-07 23:24:12

标签: javascript



6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:22)


var origCall = Function.prototype.call;
Function.prototype.call = function (thisArg) {
    console.log("calling a function");

    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
    origCall.apply(thisArg, args);



答案 1 :(得分:15)


许多人试图覆盖.call。有些失败了,有些失败了。 我回答了这个老问题,因为它已在我的工作场所提出,这篇文章被用作参考。


TL; DR:OP提出的问题是不可能的。答案中的一些成功报告是由于控制台在评估之前在内部调用.call,而不是因为我们想要拦截的电话。



// Store the original
var origCall = Function.prototype.call;
Function.prototype.call = function () {
    // If console.log is allowed to stringify by itself, it will
    // call .call 9 gajillion times. Therefore, lets do it by ourselves.
                Function.prototype.toString.apply(this, []),
                Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]).toString()

    // A trace, for fun
   console.trace.apply(console, []);

   // The call. Apply is the only way we can pass all arguments, so don't touch that!
   origCall.apply(this, arguments);



// Some tests
console.log("1"); // Does not show up
console.log.apply(console,["2"]); // Does not show up
console.log.call(console, "3"); // BINGO!




// Store apply and call
var origApply = Function.prototype.apply;
var origCall = Function.prototype.call;

// We need to be able to apply the original functions, so we need
// to restore the apply locally on both, including the apply itself.
origApply.apply = origApply;
origCall.apply = origApply;

// Some utility functions we want to work
Function.prototype.toString.apply = origApply;
Array.prototype.slice.apply = origApply;
console.trace.apply = origApply;

function logCall(t, a) {
    // If console.log is allowed to stringify by itself, it will
    // call .call 9 gajillion times. Therefore, do it ourselves.
                Function.prototype.toString.apply(t, []),
                Array.prototype.slice.apply(a, [1]).toString()
    console.trace.apply(console, []);

Function.prototype.call = function () {
   logCall(this, arguments);
   origCall.apply(this, arguments);

Function.prototype.apply = function () {
    logCall(this, arguments);
    origApply.apply(this, arguments);


// Some tests
console.log("1"); // Passes by unseen
console.log.apply(console,["2"]); // Caught
console.log.call(console, "3"); // Caught




覆盖.call / .apply唯一的做法是拦截对这些原型函数的显式调用。如果控制台与该hack一起使用,则会有大量垃圾邮件。如果使用它,还必须非常小心,因为使用控制台API会很快导致无限循环(如果给它一个非字符串,console.log将在内部使用.call。)

答案 2 :(得分:4)


(function () {
    origCall = Function.prototype.call,
    log = document.getElementById ('call_log');  

  // Override call only if call_log element is present    
  log && (Function.prototype.call = function (self) {
    var r = (typeof self === 'string' ? '"' + self + '"' : self) + '.' + this + ' ('; 
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) r += (i > 1 ? ', ' : '') + arguments[i];  
    log.innerHTML += r + ')<br/>';

    this.apply (self, Array.prototype.slice.apply (arguments, [1]));
}) ();


肯定没有记录所有函数调用,但它正在记录一些! 我怀疑只有正在处理的“呼叫”的实际调用正在处理中

答案 3 :(得分:3)

只是快速测试,但似乎对我有用。 它可能没有用这种方式,但我基本上在我的替换身体中恢复原型,然后在退出之前“恢复”它。

这个例子只记录所有函数调用 - 虽然可能存在一些我尚未发现的致命缺陷;在喝咖啡休息时这样做


callLog = [];

/* set up an override for the Function call prototype
 * @param func the new function wrapper
function registerOverride(func) {
   oldCall = Function.prototype.call;
   Function.prototype.call = func;

/* restore you to your regular programming 
function removeOverride() {
   Function.prototype.call = oldCall;

/* a simple example override
 * nb: if you use this from the node.js REPL you'll get a lot of buffer spam
 *     as every keypress is processed through a function
 * Any useful logging would ideally compact these calls
function myCall() { 
   // first restore the normal call functionality
   Function.prototype.call = oldCall;

   // gather the data we wish to log
   var entry = {this:this, name:this.name, args:{}};
   for (var key in arguments) {
     if (arguments.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      entry.args[key] = arguments[key];

   // call the original (I may be doing this part naughtily, not a js guru)

   // put our override back in power
   Function.prototype.call = myCall;



/* example usage
 * (only tested through the node.js REPL)
console.log("hello, world!");

答案 4 :(得分:1)


window.callLog = [];
Function.prototype.call = function() {
    Array.prototype.push.apply(window.callLog, [[this, arguments]]);
    return this.apply(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[1]));

答案 5 :(得分:0)


// This tool reads a file and builds a buffer of say ten lines.  
// When a line falls off the end of the buffer, it gets written to the output file. 
// When a line is read from the input file, it gets written to the first line of the buffer. 
// After each occurrence of a line being read from the input file and/or written to the output 
// file, a routine is given control.  The routine has the option of operating on the buffer.  
// It can insert a line before or after a line that is there, based on the lines surrounding. 
// The immediate case is that if I have a set of lines like this: 
//             getNum: function (a, c) {
//                 console.log(`getNum: function (a, c) {`);
//                 console.log(`arguments.callee = ${arguments.callee.toString().substr(0,100)}`);
//                 console.log(`arguments.length = ${arguments.length}`);
//                 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { console.log(`arguments[${i}] = ${arguments[i] ? arguments[i].toString().substr(0,100) : 'falsey'}`); }
//                 var d = b.isStrNum(a) ? (c && b.isString(c) ? RegExp(c) : b.getNumRegx).exec(a) : null;
//                 return d ? d[0] : null
//             },
//             compareNums: function (a, c, d) {
//                 console.log(`arguments.callee = ${arguments.callee.toString().substr(0,100)}`);
// I want to change that to a set of lines like this: 
//             getNum: function (a, c) {
//                 console.log(`getNum: function (a, c) {`);
//                 console.log(`arguments.callee = ${arguments.callee.toString().substr(0,100)}`);
//                 console.log(`arguments.length = ${arguments.length}`);
//                 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { console.log(`arguments[${i}] = ${arguments[i] ? arguments[i].toString().substr(0,100) : 'falsey'}`); }
//                 var d = b.isStrNum(a) ? (c && b.isString(c) ? RegExp(c) : b.getNumRegx).exec(a) : null;
//                 return d ? d[0] : null
//             },
//             compareNums: function (a, c, d) {
//                 console.log(`compareNums: function (a, c, d) {`);
//                 console.log(`arguments.callee = ${arguments.callee.toString().substr(0,100)}`);
// We are trying to figure out how a set of functions work, and I want each function to report 
// its name when we enter it.
// To save time, options and the function that is called on each cycle appear at the beginning 
// of this file.  Ideally, they would be --something options on the command line. 

const readline = require('readline');


// Here are the things that would properly be options on the command line.  Put here for 
// speed of building the tool. 

const frameSize = 10;
const shouldReportFrame = false;

function reportFrame() {
    for (i = frame.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        console.error(`${i}.  ${frame[i]}`);  // Using the error stream because the stdout stream may have been coopted. 

function processFrame() {
    // console.log(`********  ${frame[0]}`);
    // if (frame[0].search('console.log(\`arguments.callee = \$\{arguments.callee.toString().substr(0,100)\}\`);') !== -1) {
    // if (frame[0].search('arguments.callee') !== -1) {
    // if (frame[0].search(/console.log\(`arguments.callee = \$\{arguments.callee.toString\(\).substr\(0,100\)\}`\);/) !== -1) {
    var matchArray = frame[0].match(/([ \t]*)console.log\(`arguments.callee = \$\{arguments.callee.toString\(\).substr\(0,100\)\}`\);/);
    if (matchArray) {
        // console.log('********  Matched');
        frame.splice(1, 0, `${matchArray[1]}console.log('${frame[1]}');`);


var i;
var frame = [];

const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: process.stdin

rl.on('line', line => {
    if (frame.length > frameSize - 1) {
        for (i = frame.length - 1; i > frameSize - 2; i--) {
    frame.splice(frameSize - 1, frame.length - frameSize + 1);
    frame.splice(0, 0, line);
    if (shouldReportFrame) reportFrame();
    // process.stdout.write(`${line}\n`);  // readline gives us the line with the newline stripped off

rl.on('close', () => {
    for (i = frame.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {

// Notes
// We are not going to control the writing to the output stream.  In particular, we are not 
// going to listen for drain events.  Nodejs' buffering may get overwhelmed. 