和Desired Margin
对于期望的保证金,如果用户输入了OKMargin = DesiredMargin
Private Sub Calculate_Click()
Dim PIS, Cofins, ISS, Simples, LR, IRRJ, OKMargin As Double
Dim GCom, eLComNet, ClientCom As Double
Dim LucroReal, SimplesN, TaxationType As String
Dim OptimalCommission As Currency
Dim VarCost, SemiVarCost, DesiredMargin As Currency
Dim ClientSpent As Currency
'Ref the userform
TaxationType = UserForm1.ComboBox1.Text
SemiVarCost = UserForm1.SemiVarCost.Value
VarCost = UserForm1.VarCost.Value
ClientSpent = UserForm1.ClientSpent.Value
DesiredMargin = UserForm1.DesiredMargin.Value
' Tax assumptions behind the calculations
PIS = 0.0165
Cofins = 0.076
ISS = 0.05
IRRJ = 0.34
Simples = 0.062
LR = PIS + Cofins + ISS + IRRJ
GCom = 0.12
OKMargin = 0.55
'define taxation conditions
If (TaxationType = "SimplesN") And (IsMissing(DesiredMargin)) Then
eLComNet = (ClientSpent * GCom) - (ClientSpent * GCom * Simples)
OptimalCommission = eLComNet - (eLComNet * OKMargin) - VarCost - SemiVarCost
End If
If (TaxationType = "LucroReal") And (IsMissing(DesiredMargin)) Then
eLComNet = (ClientSpent * GCom) - (ClientSpent * GCom * LR)
OptimalCommission = eLComNet - (eLComNet * OKMargin) - VarCost - SemiVarCost
End If
If (TaxationType = "SimplesN") And (Not IsMissing(DesiredMargin)) Then
eLComNet = (ClientSpent * GCom) - (ClientSpent * GCom * Simples)
OptimalCommission = eLComNet - (eLComNet * DesiredMargin) - VarCost - SemiVarCost
End If
If (TaxationType = "LucroReal") And (Not IsMissing(DesiredMargin)) Then
eLComNet = (ClientSpent * GCom) - (ClientSpent * GCom * LR)
OptimalCommission = eLComNet - (eLComNet * DesiredMargin) - VarCost - SemiVarCost
End if
UserForm1.OptCom.Value = OptimalCommission
End Sub