
时间:2018-09-10 05:22:45

标签: python time interface wxpython python-imaging-library


当调用“ CompileImages”时,它开始处理图像。我想在调用该函数的之前行中切换图像,但它似乎立即锁定了界面,并且不切换它。


#the button I’m using…
genButton = wx.lib.buttons.GenButton(panel2, -1, label='Generate', pos=(8, 66), size=(136, 26))
genButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.RunCompileFunction)

#… calls this function
def RunCompileFunction(self, event):


#this SwapImage function works at every other point EXCEPT in the above function, it seems to skip over it as if it has more important things to do.
#Curiously if I comment out the call to CompileImages function it DOES swap the image.
def SwapImage(self, imagename):
    self.bitmap1 = wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, imagename, (0, 0))
    backgroundimage = imagename

#This function just starts processing images and causes the interface lockup
def CompileImages(self, event):

            if len(MyFrame.filenames) > 8 and len(MyFrame.maskfiles) <= 2:
        print("Ensure you've dropped your mask files too!")

    #myCursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT)

    global coloralphareq
    global opacityalphareq

    # get first image size and save to variable
    getsize = Image.open(MyFrame.filenames[0])
    mwidth, mheight = getsize.size

    # get its .extension format
    # imgformat = str(x)[-3:]
    # imgformat = (str(MyFrame.filenames[0].format))
    # print(imgformat)

    # for each image in the list...
    for map in maptypes:

        # print(map)

        # files = any file with the current mapname in it
        files = [s for s in MyFrame.filenames if map in s]
        # print(files)

        if len(files) > 0:

            map = map[:-1]

            # remove names that are clashing
            if map == "Normal": self.RemoveFiles(files, "Normal_OpenGL.")
            if map == "Normal_OpenGL": self.RemoveFiles(files, "Normal.")
            if map == "AO": self.RemoveFiles(files, "Mixed_AO.")
            if map == "Metallic": self.RemoveFiles(files, "MetallicSmoothness.")
            if map == "MetallicSmoothness": self.RemoveFiles(files, "Metallic.")

            if len(files) > 0:
                # find mode, format, size

                # choose the background alphaColor
                if map == "Base_Color" or map == "BaseColor" or map == "Diffuse":
                    if self.coloralphareq == 1:
                        self.CompileTheseImagesRGBA(map, files, (0, 0, 0, 0), 'RGBA', 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), mwidth,
                    elif self.coloralphareq == 0:
                        self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (0, 0, 0))
                elif map == "Opacity":
                    if self.opacityalphareq == 1:
                        self.CompileTheseImagesRGBA(map, files, (0, 0, 0, 0), 'RGBA', 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), mwidth,
                    elif self.opacityalphareq == 0:
                        self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (256, 256, 256))
                elif map == "Normal_OpenGL" or map == "Normal":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (128, 128, 255))
                elif map == "AlbedoTransparency" or map == "MetallicSmoothness" or map == "SpecularSmoothness":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (0, 0, 0, 0))
                elif map == "Height":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (128, 128, 128))
                elif map == "Roughness":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (136, 136, 136))
                elif map == "Mixed_AO" or map == "Reflection" or map == "AO":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (256, 256, 256))
                elif map == "Glossiness" or map == "f0" or map == "ior":
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGB(map, files, (187, 187, 187))
                    self.CompileTheseImagesRGBA(map, files, (0, 0, 0, 0), 'RGBA', 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), mwidth, mheight)

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