TLDR; :如何获取网络摄像头以及如何完全像对图像进行编码并发送一样?图书馆?我发现的大多数编码器都是C ++的,因此,特别是在发送网络摄像头图像时没有用。
代码 我不了解的部分(SendToServer();方法是我的):
/// <summary>
/// Formula : Sample Rate / 1000 * FrameSize
/// </summary>
int _segmentFrames;
byte[] soundBuffer = new byte[e.BytesRecorded + _notEncodedBuffer.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < _notEncodedBuffer.Length; i++)
soundBuffer[i] = _notEncodedBuffer[i];
for (int i = 0; i < e.BytesRecorded; i++)
soundBuffer[i + _notEncodedBuffer.Length] = e.Buffer[i];
int byteCap = _bytesPerSegment;
int segmentCount = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)soundBuffer.Length / byteCap);
int segmentsEnd = segmentCount * byteCap;
int notEncodedCount = soundBuffer.Length - segmentsEnd;
_notEncodedBuffer = new byte[notEncodedCount];
for (int i = 0; i < notEncodedCount; i++)
_notEncodedBuffer[i] = soundBuffer[segmentsEnd + i];
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++)
byte[] segment = new byte[byteCap];
for (int j = 0; j < segment.Length; j++)
segment[j] = soundBuffer[(i * byteCap) + j];
int len;
byte[] buff = _encoder.Encode(segment, segment.Length, out len);
_bytesSent += (ulong)len;
SendToServer(buff, len);
//if signaled to stop then stop
if (_resetEvent.WaitOne(1)) return;
//if not connected to the server then wait
if (!_socketReady) return;
//if no data is available to receive then wait
if (!_stream.DataAvailable) return;
//get message type
byte[] messageType = new byte[sizeof(int)];
int recv = _stream.Read(messageType, 0, messageType.Length);
Message type = MessageTypes.FindType(messageType);
//if we do not expect more data then our work here is done
if (!type.HasCustomData) { ReceivedDataReplyHandler(type); return; }
//Get the length of the message we expect
byte[] lenBuff = new byte[sizeof(int)];
recv = _stream.Read(lenBuff, 0, lenBuff.Length);
//Get the length in integer
int messagelen = BitConverter.ToInt32(lenBuff, 0);
//Gte the message we expected
byte[] messageBuff = new byte[messagelen];
recv = _stream.Read(messageBuff, 0, messageBuff.Length);
//bind the received data
type.MessageData = messageBuff;
//handle with the received Data
public void Send(MessageNames messageName, byte[] data)
Message type = MessageTypes.FindType(messageName);
if (!type.HasCustomData) { print("This type do not have custom data plz use the other method!"); }
byte[] message = data;
byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(message.Length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(int) + message.Length + sizeof(int)];
//Copy the length of the data
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(type.Value), 0, buffer, 0, sizeof(int));
//Copy the length of the data
Array.Copy(length, 0, buffer, sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
//Copy the data
Array.Copy(message, 0, buffer, sizeof(int) + sizeof(int), message.Length);
//Send the data to the server
_stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
public bool HasCustomData { get; private set; }
public int Value { get; private set; }
public MessageNames Name { get; private set; }
//Only for Client (When receiving message from Server), gets the actual bytes data
public byte[] MessageData { get; set; }
// ONLY FOR SERVER (When receiving message from Client), gets the client from whome the message is received
public ServerClient SentFromClient { get; set; }
public Message(bool HasCustomData, int Value, MessageNames Name)
this.HasCustomData = HasCustomData;
this.Value = Value;
this.Name = Name;
private static List<Message> TypesofMessages = new List<Message>()
new Message(true, 1,MessageNames.Microphone),
new Message(true, 2,MessageNames.Webcam),
new Message(true, 3,MessageNames.Connection),
new Message(true, 4,MessageNames.Message),
new Message(true, 5,MessageNames.PlayerAddition),
new Message(false, 6,MessageNames.HangUp),
new Message(false, 7,MessageNames.Confirm),
new Message(true, 8,MessageNames.VideoCall),
new Message(true, 9,MessageNames.VoiceCall)
public static bool Compare(Message x, Message y)
return x.Value == y.Value && x.Name == y.Name;
public static Message FindType(byte[] value)
return TypesofMessages.First(m => m.Value == BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 0));
public static Message FindType(MessageNames name)
return TypesofMessages.First(m => m.Name == name);
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