
时间:2018-09-07 14:45:04

标签: qt qml qtquick2



import QtQuick 2.9

Rectangle {
    id: root
    anchors.fill: parent
    Flickable {
        id: flick
        anchors.fill: parent
        contentWidth: width
        contentHeight: height
        boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
        Rectangle {
            id: testRect
            width: flick.contentWidth
            height: flick.contentHeight
            Image {
                anchors.fill: parent
                source: "image.jpg"
            PinchArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                pinch.target: testRect
                pinch.minimumRotation: 0 //No need for rotation
                pinch.maximumRotation: 0
                pinch.minimumScale: 1 
                pinch.maximumScale: 4 
                pinch.dragAxis: Pinch.XAndYAxis
                property real initialWidth
                property real initialHeight

                MouseArea {
                    id: dragArea
                    hoverEnabled: true
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    drag.target: testRect
                    scrollGestureEnabled: false  // 2-finger-flick gesture should pass through to the Flickable
            //----------- Set bounds for dragging
                    drag.minimumX: root.width - (testRect.width * testRect.scale)
                    drag.minimumY: root.height - (testRect.height * testRect.scale)
                    drag.maximumX: testRect.scale == 1 ? -root.width : root.width * testRect.scale
                    drag.maximumY: testRect.scale == 1 ? -root.height : 0 + (testRect.scale / testRect.width)
            // ----------
                    onDoubleClicked: { //Reset size and location of camera
                        testRect.x = 0
                        testRect.y = 0
                        testRect.scale = 1
                    onWheel: {
                        var scaleBefore = testRect.scale;
                        testRect.scale += testRect.scale * wheel.angleDelta.y / 120 / 10;
                        if(testRect.scale < 1)
                            testRect.scale = 1
                        else if(testRect.scale > 4)
                            testRect.scale = 4

我尝试用drag.maximumY / drag.minimumY / ..来做到这一点,但没有成功-在不缩放时可以使用,但是我无法弄清楚缩放后的公式。


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