OpenXML SDK 1.0货币格式问题

时间:2018-09-05 20:50:14

标签: openxml

我一直在使用openxml 1.0进行excel导出 在其中一列中,我显示货币值,并且此列包含不同的货币值,例如USD,EUR,GBP等。我面临的问题是我无法以数字格式显示欧元或英镑汇率,而是在显示作为文本格式。这在打开excel文件时给我错误,因为USD值以货币格式显示,但其他货币值在同一列中呈现为字符串值。


Public Function CreateEuroCurrencyCell(text As String, row As UInteger, column As UInteger, Optional styleIndex As Integer = 8) As Cell
    'Create a new inline string cell.
    Dim c As New Cell()
    c.DataType = CellValues.Number
    c.CellReference = ColumnNameFromIndex(column) & row
    c.StyleIndex = styleIndex
    'Add text to the text cell.
    'c.CellValue = New CellValue(text)

    Dim f As Single = 10.5F
    Dim culture = New CultureInfo("sk-SK")
    'culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyPositivePattern = 0
    'culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyNegativePattern = 2
    culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."
    culture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "€"       
    c.CellValue = New CellValue(Double.Parse(text).ToString("C2", culture).ToString())
    Return c
End Function


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