
时间:2018-09-05 18:18:40

标签: batch-file


echo on
set loop=0
set listnum=0
if EXIST maplist.csv del maplist.csv

set /p gennum=Number of map lists to generate?

rem #=============================================================
rem #===== Get list of maps from maplist.txt
rem #=============================================================

if NOT EXIST maplist.txt echo maplist.txt not found. Please create map 

for /f %%a in (maplist.txt) do (
    call :build_list %%a

rem #=============================================================
rem #===== Generate random numbers and create maplist.csv
rem #=============================================================


set /a mnum1=%random% %% %listnum% + 1


set /a mnum2=%random% %% %listnum% + 1

if %mnum2%==%mnum1% goto num2


set /a mnum3=%random% %% %listnum% + 1

if %mnum3%==%mnum1% goto num3
if %mnum3%==%mnum2% goto num3

for /F "tokens=%mnum1%,%mnum2%,%mnum3% delims=," %%B in ("%maplist%") do 
echo %%B - %%C - %%D >> maplist.csv

set /a loop=%loop% + 1
if not %loop%==%gennum% goto start

goto end

rem #=============================================================
rem #=========== Functions
rem #=============================================================
if "%maplist%"=="" (
    set maplist=%1
    ) else (
    set maplist=%maplist%,%1

set /a listnum=%listnum% + 1


rem #=============================================================
rem #=========== Echo number of random map lists created and open csv
rem #=============================================================
echo %gennum% lists generated


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM next line for generating a "demo maplist":
(for /l %%a in (1,1,50) do echo Map%%a)>maplist.txt

set loop=0
set listnum=0
if EXIST maplist.csv del maplist.csv

set /p gennum=Number of map lists to generate?

rem #=============================================================
rem #===== Get list of maps from maplist.txt
rem #=============================================================

if NOT EXIST maplist.txt echo maplist.txt not found. Please create map list&&pause
set listnum=0
for /f %%a in (maplist.txt) do (
    set /a listnum+=1
    set map[!listnum!]=%%a

rem #=============================================================
rem #===== Generate random numbers and create maplist.csv
rem #=============================================================

set /a mnum1=%random% %% %listnum% + 1

set /a mnum2=%random% %% %listnum% + 1
if %mnum2%==%mnum1% goto num2

set /a mnum3=%random% %% %listnum% + 1
if %mnum3%==%mnum1% goto num3
if %mnum3%==%mnum2% goto num3

echo !map[%mnum1%]! - !map[%mnum2%]! - !map[%mnum3%]!>>maplist.csv
set /a loop+=1
if not %loop%==%gennum% goto start

goto end

rem #=============================================================
rem #=========== Echo number of random map lists created and open csv
rem #=============================================================
echo %gennum% lists generated


(请注意:CSV代表Comma Separated Values,所以我不希望有类似alpha - beta - gamma的东西-但这当然是常见的约定)