
时间:2018-09-05 17:00:18

标签: javascript jquery database indexeddb






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            <li class="active"><a href="#">Customers <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
            <li><a href="add.html">Add Customer</a></li>
            <li><a onclick="clearCustomers()" class="danger" href="#">Clear Customers</a></li>
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          <h1 class="page-header">Customers</h1>
          <div class="table-responsive">
            <table class="table table-striped">
                  <th>Email Address</th>
              <tbody id="customers">


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          <h1 class="page-header">Add Customer</h1>
          <form role="form" onsubmit="addCustomer()">
              <div class="form-group">
                <label>Customer Name</label>
                <input type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Name">
              <div class="form-group">
                <label>Customer Email</label>
                <input type="email" id="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Email">
              <input type="file" id="imageSelector" multiple="multiple" />
              <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Add Customer</button>

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    //Open database
    var request = indexedDB.open('customermanager',1);

    request.onupgradeneeded = function(e){
        var db = e.target.result;

              var os = db.createObjectStore('customers',{keyPath: "id", autoIncrement:true});
                //Create Index for Name

    request.onsuccess = function(e){
        console.log('Success: Opened Database...');
        db = e.target.result;
        //Show Customers

    request.onerror = function(){
        console.log('Error: Could Not Open Database...');

//Add Customer
function addCustomer(){
    var name = $('#name').val();
    var email = $('#email').val();
    var image = $('#imageSelector').getAttribute('src');

    var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"],"readwrite");
    //Ask for ObjectStore
    var store = transaction.objectStore("customers");

    //Define Customer
    var customer = {
        name: name,
        email: email,
        image: image

    //Perform the Add
    var request = store.add(customer);

    request.onsuccess = function(e){

    request.onerror = function(e){
        alert("Customer was not added");
        console.log('Error', e.target.error.name);

//Display Customers
function showCustomers(e){
    var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"],"readonly");
    //Ask for ObjectStore
    var store = transaction.objectStore("customers");
    var index = store.index('name');

    var output = '';
    index.openCursor().onsuccess = function(e){
        var cursor = e.target.result;
            output += "<tr id='customer_"+cursor.value.id+"'>";
            output += "<td>"+cursor.value.id+"</td>";
            output += "<td><span class='cursor customer' contenteditable='true' data-field='name' data-id='"+cursor.value.id+"'>"+cursor.value.name+"</span></td>";
            output += "<td><span class='cursor customer' contenteditable='true' data-field='email' data-id='"+cursor.value.id+"'>"+cursor.value.email+"</span></td>";
              output += "<td><img class='thumbnail' src='"+cursor.value.id+"'></img></td>";
            output += "<td><a onclick='removeCustomer("+cursor.value.id+")' href=''>Delete</a></td>";
            output += "</tr>";

//Delete a Customer
function removeCustomer(id){
    var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"],"readwrite");
    //Ask for ObjectStore
    var store = transaction.objectStore("customers");

    var request = store.delete(id);

    request.onsuccess = function(){
        console.log('Customer '+id+' Deleted');

    request.onerror = function(e){
        alert("The customer was not removed")
        console.log('Error', e.target.error.name);

//Clear All Customers
function clearCustomers(){

//Update Customers
    //Newly entered text
    var newText = $(this).html();
    var field = $(this).data('field');
    //Customer ID
    var id = $(this).data('id');

    //Get Transaction
    var transaction = db.transaction(["customers"],"readwrite");
    //Ask for ObjectStore
    var store = transaction.objectStore("customers");

    var request = store.get(id);

    request.onsuccess = function(){
        var data = request.result;
        if(field == 'name'){
           data.name = newText;
        } else if(field == 'email'){
            data.email = newText;

        //Store Updated Text
        var requestUpdate = store.put(data);

        requestUpdate.onsuccess = function(){
            console.log('Customer field updated...');

        requestUpdate.onerror = function(){
            console.log('Customer field NOT updated...');


first image


second image




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event => {

function attachUploadHandler() {
  const input = document.querySelector('#uploader');
  input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
  input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg');
  input.onchange = onchange;

function openDb() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const request = indexedDB.open(name, version);
    request.onupgradeneeded = onupgradeneeded;
    request.onsuccess = _ => resolve(request.result);
    request.onerror = _ => reject(request.error);

function onupgradeneeded(event) {
  const conn = event.target.result;

// Handle file uploader change event 
async function onchange(event) {
  const files = event.target.files;

  const conn = await openDb();
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const tx = conn.transaction('store', 'readwrite');
    tx.oncomplete = resolve;
    tx.onerror = _ => reject(new Error('file storage error'));

    const store = tx.objectStore('store');

    for(const file of files) {



function getCustomers(conn) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) {
    const tx = conn.transaction(['customers', 'images']);
    tx.oncomplete = resolve(customers);
    const customer_store = tx.objectStore('customers');
    const image_store = tx.objectStore('images');

    function set_customer_image(customer, event) {
      customer.image_blob = event.target.result;

    const customers_request = customer_store.getAll();
    customers_request.onsuccess = event => {
      const customers = customers_request.result;
      for(const customer of customers) {
        const image_request = image_store.get(customer.image_id);
        image_request.onsuccess = set_customer_image.bind(image_request, customer);          


function renderCustomers(customers) {
  const image_placeholder_url_string = 'customer-image-placeholder.gif';

  for(const customer of customers) {
     const tr = new HTMLTableRowElement();

     // now, the key part for the customer image cell
     const td = new HTMLTableCellElement();
     const image = new HTMLImageElement();
     if(customer.image_blob) {
       image.src = URL.createObjectURL(customer.image_blob);
     } else {
       image.src = image_placeholder_url_string;
