我一直在尝试使表自动化以实时计算一些值,并准备在将来添加行。我想添加到此表中的简单项目是链接到宏的“ +”和“-”符号(形状或图像),该宏可以更改另一列中的值。一次做起来很简单,但是我希望我的总体宏能够将形状及其宏复制/粘贴到下一行。
例如: 一种。在A1中存在分配了宏的加号以单击以将B1中的值增加1 b。启动另一个宏会将图像从A1复制/粘贴到A2,并且分配的宏应增加B2中的值
这是代码的一部分: 为了在这里进行查询,我们假设在形状为“ Plus 50”的宏中,该宏将B1中的值增加1。
For i = 1 to 50
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Plus 50").Copy
Cells(i, 1).PasteSpecial
Next i
Sub Plus 50_Click()
Dim a As Integer
a = Cells(1, 2)
Cells(1, 2) = a + 1
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Call drawButtons(Target)
End Sub
Option Explicit
'Author: Valon Miller
'Description: This module draws custom increment and decrement
' buttons on a list object that is intersected by the
' supplied target range.
'Usgage: Simply Call drawButtons(Target) from the
' selection_Change event of any worksheet.
Private Const btnDiameter As Integer = 21
Private Const btnPadding As Integer = 3
Private btnLeft As Integer
Public Sub drawButtons(Target As Range)
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim btnTop As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim objrow As ListRow
Dim appScreenUpdating As Boolean
Dim appCalculation As XlCalculation
Dim appEnableEvents As Boolean
On Error GoTo uhoh
With Application
'Remember Settings
appScreenUpdating = .ScreenUpdating
appCalculation = .Calculation
appEnableEvents = .EnableEvents
'Modify Settings
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
End With
Set sh = Target.Parent
'delete buttons if they exist
deleteButtons sh
'Check if the target intersects a DataBodyRange
Set objrow = Range_getListRow(Target)
If objrow Is Nothing Then GoTo getout
'Uncomment to restrict the buttons to appear only when a specificed column is selected, by name
'If Intersect(Target, objrow.Parent.ListColumns("Column1").DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then GoTo getout
'Derive the target range of the buttons
Set rng = Intersect(Target, objrow.Range)
Set rng = rng.Cells(1, 1).Offset(0, rng.Columns.Count)
'Initialize Position Variables
btnTop = rng.Top + ((rng.Height - btnDiameter) / 2)
btnLeft = rng.Left + 3 + IIf(Range_getValidationType(rng.Cells(1, -1)) = 3, 16, btnPadding)
'Draw Increment Button
getNewButton sh, "IncrementButton", "+", "add_Click", btnLeft, btnTop, btnDiameter, msoShapeStylePreset37
'Draw Decrement Button
getNewButton sh, "DecrementButton", ChrW(&H2212), "sub_Click", nextLeft, btnTop, btnDiameter, msoShapeStylePreset37
With Application
'Restore Settings
.ScreenUpdating = appScreenUpdating
.Calculation = appCalculation
.EnableEvents = appEnableEvents
End With
Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
deleteButtons sh
GoTo getout
End Sub
'* Custom Methods *
Private Function nextLeft() As Integer
btnLeft = btnLeft + btnDiameter + btnPadding
nextLeft = btnLeft
End Function
Private Function getNewButton(sh As Worksheet, strName As String, strCaption As String, macro As String, _
intLeft As Integer, intTop As Integer, intDiameter As Integer, shpStyle As MsoShapeStyleIndex) As Shape
Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = sh.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, intLeft, intTop, intDiameter, intDiameter)
With shp
.name = strName
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = strCaption
.TextFrame.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
.TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
.TextEffect.FontSize = 15
.OnAction = macro
.Placement = xlFreeFloating
.shapeStyle = shpStyle
'msoShapeStylePreset Theme
'msoShapeStylePreset36 Black
'msoShapeStylePreset37 Light Blue
'msoShapeStylePreset38 Orange
'msoShapeStylePreset39 Grey
'msoShapeStylePreset40 Yellow
'msoShapeStylePreset41 Dark Blue
'msoShapeStylePreset42 Green
End With
End Function
Private Sub deleteButtons(sh As Worksheet)
Dim shp As Shape
Dim buttonNames() As String
buttonNames = Split("IncrementButton,DecrementButton", ",")
On Error Resume Next
For Each shp In sh.Shapes
If Array_containsValue(buttonNames, shp.name) Then shp.Delete
Next shp
End Sub
'* Events *
Public Sub add_Click()
Dim newRecord As ListRow
Dim objList As ListObject
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim shp As Shape
On Error GoTo uhoh
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Set shp = getShapeByName("IncrementButton", , sh)
Set rng = getShapeRange(shp).Offset(0, -1)
Set objList = rng.ListObject
'Do Stuff
rng = rng + 1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Oops, unable to increment!", vbCritical, "Uhoh"
End Sub
Public Sub sub_Click()
Dim selectedRecord As ListRow
Dim objList As ListObject
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim shp As Shape
On Error GoTo uhoh
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Set shp = getShapeByName("DecrementButton", , sh)
Set rng = getShapeRange(shp).Offset(0, -1)
Set objList = rng.ListObject
'Do Stuff
rng = rng - 1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Oops, unable to decrement!", vbCritical, "Uhoh"
End Sub
'* Generic Methods *
Private Function Array_isEmpty(arr As Variant)
' This function returns true if array is empty
Dim l As Long
On Error Resume Next
l = Len(Join(arr))
If l = 0 Then
Array_isEmpty = True
Array_isEmpty = False
End If
If Err.Number > 0 Then
Array_isEmpty = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function Array_containsValue(myArray As Variant, item As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
If Array_isEmpty(myArray) Then Array_containsValue = False: Exit Function
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
If item = myArray(i) Then Array_containsValue = True: Exit Function
Next i
Array_containsValue = False
End Function
Private Function getListObjectByName(strName As String) As ListObject
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim tbl As ListObject
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
For Each tbl In sh.ListObjects
If tbl.name = strName Then Set getListObjectByName = tbl: Exit Function
Next tbl
Next sh
Set getListObjectByName = Nothing
End Function
Private Function Range_getListRow(Target As Range) As ListRow
'Check if target intersects with a list object
If Not Target.ListObject Is Nothing Then
'Check if the list object has a DataBodyRange
If Not Target.ListObject.DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then
'Check if the first row of the target range is in the DataBodyRange
If Not Intersect(Target.Rows(1), Target.ListObject.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
'Return ListRow that intersects with the first row in the target range
Set Range_getListRow = Target.ListObject.ListRows(Target.Rows(1).Row - Target.ListObject.Range.Row)
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
'No intersect, return nothing
Set Range_getListRow = Nothing
End Function
Private Function Range_getValidationType(rng As Range) As Integer
'Name Value Description
'xlValidateInputOnly 0 Validate only when user changes the value.
'xlValidateWholeNumber 1 Whole numeric values.
'xlValidateDecimal 2 Numeric values.
'xlValidateList 3 Value must be present in a specified list.
'xlValidateDate 4 Date values.
'xlValidateTime 5 Time values.
'xlValidateTextLength 6 Length of text.
'xlValidateCustom 7 Data is validated using an arbitrary formula.
Dim t As XlDVType
On Error GoTo uhoh
Range_getValidationType = rng.Validation.Type
Exit Function
Range_getValidationType = -1
End Function
Private Function getShapeByName(nm As String, Optional inWb As Workbook, Optional inSh As Worksheet) As Shape
Dim shp As Shape
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim mySheets As Collection
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo uhoh
'Get sheets to search
Set wb = IIf(inWb Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook, inWb)
Set mySheets = New Collection
If inSh Is Nothing Then
For Each sh In wb.Sheets
mySheets.Add sh
Next sh
mySheets.Add inSh
End If
'Search for shape
For i = 1 To mySheets.Count
For Each shp In mySheets(i).Shapes
If shp.name = nm Then Set getShapeByName = shp: Exit Function
Next shp
Next i
Set getShapeByName = Nothing
End Function
Private Function getShapeRange(shp As Shape) As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = shp.Left + (shp.Width / 2)
y = shp.Top + (shp.Height / 2)
Set getShapeRange = Range_getByCoordinate(shp.Parent, x, y)
End Function
Private Function Range_getByCoordinate(sh As Worksheet, x As Integer, y As Integer) As Range
Dim nCol, nRow As Range
For Each nCol In sh.Columns
If nCol.Left < x And nCol.Left + nCol.Width > x Then
For Each nRow In sh.Rows
If nRow.Top < y And nRow.Top + nRow.Height > y Then
Set Range_getByCoordinate = sh.Cells(nRow.Row, nCol.Column): Exit Function
End If
Next nRow
End If
Next nCol
End Function