PayPal IPN解决争议/拒付

时间:2018-09-04 21:23:29

标签: php codeigniter paypal codeigniter-3 paypal-ipn

因此,我正在使用PayPal IPN进行商店项目中的支付网关。用户可以创建商店并添加只存储其PayPal电子邮件的Paypal网关。



任何帮助都会很棒。 这是我正在使用的codeigniter库:

[CODE] 贝宝类{

var $config         = Array();
var $production_url = '';
var $sandbox_url    = '';
var $item           = 1;

 * Constructor
 * @param   string
 * @return  void
public function __construct($props = array())
    log_message('debug', "Paypal Class Initialized");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * initialize Paypal preferences
 * @access  public
 * @param   array
 * @return  bool
function __initialize($props = array())
    $config["business"]     = ''; //Your PayPal account
    $config["cmd"]          = '_cart'; //Do not modify
    $config["production"]   = FALSE;
    #Custom variable here we send the billing code-->
    $config["custom"]       = '';
    $config["invoice"]      = '';
    #API Configuration-->
    $config["upload"]           = '1'; //Do not modify
    $config["currency_code"]    = 'GBP'; 
    $config["disp_tot"]         = 'Y';
    #Page Layout -->
    $config["cpp_header_image"]         = ''; //Image header url [750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high]
    $config["cpp_cart_border_color"]    = '000'; //The HTML hex code for your principal identifying color
    $config["no_note"]                  = 1; //[0,1] 0 show, 1 hide
    #Payment Page Information -->
    $config["return"]           = ''; //The URL to which PayPal redirects buyers’ browser after they complete their payments.
    $config["cancel_return"]    = ''; //Specify a URL on your website that displays a “Payment Canceled” page.
    $config["notify_url"]       = '';  //The URL to which PayPal posts information about the payment
    $config["rm"]               = '2'; //Leave this to get payment information
    $config["lc"]               = 'EN'; //Languaje [EN,ES]
    #Shipping and Misc Information -->
    $config["shipping"]             = '';
    $config["shipping2"]            = '';
    $config["handling"]             = '';
    $config["tax"]                  = '';
    $config["discount_amount_cart"] = ''; //Discount amount [9.99]
    $config["discount_rate_cart"]   = ''; //Discount percentage [15]
    #Customer Information -->
    $config["first_name"]           = '';
    $config["last_name"]            = '';
    $config["address1"]             = '';
    $config["address2"]             = '';
    $config["city"]                 = '';
    $config["state"]                = '';
    $config["zip"]                  = '';
    $config["email"]                = '';
    $config["night_phone_a"]        = '';
    $config["night_phone_b"]        = '';
    $config["night_phone_c"]        = '';

     * Convert array elements into class variables
    if (count($props) > 0)
        foreach ($props as $key => $val)
            $config[$key] = $val;
    $this->config = $config;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Perform payment process
 * @access  public
 * @param   array
 * @return  void
function pay(){

    #Convert the array to url encode variables
    $vars =  http_build_query($this->config);
    if($this->config['production'] == TRUE){

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Add a product to the list
 * @access  public
 * @param   array
 * @return  void
 function add($item_name = '',$item_amount = NULL,$item_qty = NULL,$item_number = NULL){
         $this->config['item_name_'.$this->item]     = $item_name;
         $this->config['amount_'.$this->item]        = $item_amount;
         $this->config['quantity_'.$this->item]      = $item_qty;
         $this->config['item_number_'.$this->item]   = $item_number;

} //结束Paypal课程

/ *文件结尾Paypal.php / / 位置:./ application / libraries / Paypal.php * /

[/ CODE]

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