(原因:我想显示一个交叉表查询以进行编辑。由于无法完成此操作,因此我想使通过编程方式单击的值(所有布尔值)取反。) >
我的代码创建控件没有问题,但是由于在实例化类时出现编译错误而无法运行。 “ 应用程序定义或对象定义的错误。”
(我的类结构的起点来自How to add events to Controls created at runtime in Excel with VBA,但我认为这足以保证有新的线程。)
Me.Sub_FilterVal_Populate.Form.RecordSource = "FilterValsCrosstab" ' Renewing with the same dataset does seem to cause a requery/refresh
Dim ColNum As Integer
Dim ColName As String
Dim ColWid As Integer
Dim ColMax As Integer
Dim CurrentX As Integer
Dim ctlLabel As Control
Dim ctlChk As Control
Dim CheckArray() As New Class1
CurrentX = 3500
ColWid = 1400
' ###################### Close any existing example of the sub form without saving
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Sub_Test", acSaveNo
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' ###################### Open a fresh copy of the prototype form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Sub_Test", acDesign
ColMax = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("FilterValsCrossTab").Fields.Count - 1
' ###################### Loop through to create each column checkbox and column header
For ColNum = 2 To ColMax
ColName = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("FilterValsCrossTab").Fields(ColNum).Name
Set ctlChk = CreateControl("Sub_Test", acCheckBox, acDetail, , ColName, CurrentX, 1, ColWid, 300) 'Note: Can't edit CrossTabs
ReDim Preserve CheckArray(1 To ColNum) ' ###################### Now need to save as New Class with extra events
Set CheckArray(ColNum).CheckEvents = ctlChk 'FALLS OVER HERE
Set ctlLabel = CreateControl("Sub_Test", acLabel, acHeader, , ColName, CurrentX, 1, ColWid, 800) ' Can't name parent in hedaer
CurrentX = CurrentX + ColWid + 20
ctlLabel.Caption = ColName
RunCommand acCmdFormView
Option Compare Database
Public WithEvents CheckEvents As Access.CheckBox
Public Sub CheckEvents_GotFocus()
MsgBox "GotFocus!", vbOKOnly, "CheckBox Event"
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案:最可能的问题是设计视图中的控件的行为与表单视图中的控件不同。要设置 CheckEvents 复选框,您需要将其设置为与表单视图中的复选框相同,而不是设计视图中的复选框。将表单切换为表单视图时,您也无法将要创建的控件存储在设计视图中,以供重复使用,因为一旦切换,它们就会被清除。
Dim collControlNames As New Collection
DoCmd.OpenForm "Sub_Test", acDesign
ColMax = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("FilterValsCrossTab").Fields.Count - 1
' ###################### Loop through to create each column checkbox and column header
For ColNum = 2 To ColMax
ColName = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("FilterValsCrossTab").Fields(ColNum).Name
Set ctlChk = CreateControl("Sub_Test", acCheckBox, acDetail, , ColName, CurrentX, 1, ColWid, 300) 'Note: Can't edit CrossTabs
ctlChk.OnGotFocus = "[Event Procedure]" 'Required to get the control to send events
collControlNames.Add ctlChk.Name
Set ctlLabel = CreateControl("Sub_Test", acLabel, acHeader, , ColName, CurrentX, 1, ColWid, 800) ' Can't name parent in hedaer
CurrentX = CurrentX + ColWid + 20
ctlLabel.Caption = ColName
RunCommand acCmdFormView
Dim l As Long
ReDim CheckArray(1 To collControlNames.Count) 'No need to redim preserve, array is empty
For l = 1 To collControlNames.Count
Set CheckArray(l) = Forms!Sub_test.Controls(collControlNames(l)) 'Set the controls