curl:(77)具有自签名CA的SSL CA证书(路径?访问权限?)有问题

时间:2018-08-31 15:48:53

标签: linux amazon-web-services ssl curl

我使用openssl在AWS linux实例上生成了自签名CA和证书。然后,我将根证书导入到密钥库中,后端应用程序使用它来支持HTTPS。

当我运行以下命令尝试连接到服务器时, curl --cacert caroot.cer --capath ~/ca/ --user abc:123 https://localhost:9999

我收到错误curl: (77) Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)




export PW=`cat password`

echo "generating the key pair and save to the keystore"
keytool -genkeypair \
    -alias test \
    -keystore test.jks \
    -dname "CN=localhost, OU=TA, O=S1, L=Toronto, ST=Ontario, C=CA" \
    -keypass $PW \
    -storepass $PW \
    -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 4096 \
    -ext KeyUsage:critical="keyCertSign" \
    -ext BasicConstraints:critical="ca:true" \
    -sigalg SHA1withRSA

echo "self-signing the certificate where both owner and issuer are the same as test.jks"
keytool -export -alias test -file test_self_signed.cer -keystore test.jks -storepass $PW

echo "generating the certificate signing request(CSR) for test.jks"
keytool -certreq -alias test -keystore test.jks -file test.csr -storepass $PW

set RANDFILE=rand

echo "generating CA's private key and CA's CSR"
openssl req -new -keyout cakey.pem -out careq.pem #-config /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf

echo "self-signing CA's certificate"
openssl x509 -signkey cakey.pem -req -days 3650 -in careq.pem -out caroot.cer -extensions v3_ca

echo 1234 > serial.txt

echo "signing test.csr using CA's certificate and CA's private key"
openssl x509 \
    -CA caroot.cer \
    -CAkey cakey.pem \
    -CAserial serial.txt \
    -req \
    -in test.csr \
    -out test_signed_by_CA.cer \
    -days 365

echo "adding CA's certificate to the keystore"
keytool -import -alias schedule1 -file caroot.cer -keystore test.jks -storepass $PW

echo "adding test's certificate signed by CA to the keystore"
keytool -import -alias test -file test_signed_by_CA.cer -keystore test.jks -storepass $PW

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