PHP:读取多个doc / docx文件并将它们附加到一个doc文件中

时间:2018-08-31 05:27:36

标签: php file file-get-contents doc file-put-contents

是否可以在PHP中读写Word(doc / docx)文件并将内容附加到一个doc / docx文件中?

我可以在txt文件中做到这一点。但是无法确定doc / docx文件。

//Name of the directory containing all files to merge
$Dir = "dir";

//Name of the output file
$OutputFile = "output.txt";

//Scan the files in the directory into an array
$Files = scandir ($Dir);

//Create a stream to the output file
$Open = fopen ($OutputFile, "w"); //Use "w" to start a new output file from zero. If you want to increment an existing file, use "a".

//Loop through the files, read their content into a string variable and write it to the file stream. Then, clean the variable.
foreach ($Files as $k => $v) {
    if ($v != "." AND $v != "..") {
        $Data = file_get_contents ($Dir."/".$v);
        fwrite ($Open, $Data);
    unset ($Data);

//Close the file stream
fclose ($Open);

谁能帮助我阅读多个doc / docx文件的内容并将其放入一个doc / docx中?

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