每当选定列B中的值发生更改时,我就一直在Excel 2016中使用以下宏来插入空白行:
Sub InsertDividerRows()
' InsertDividerRows Macro
' Insert a blank row whenever a value in a sorted list changes
Selection.LastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For i = LastRow To 2 Step -1
If Cells(i, "B").Value <> Cells(i - 1, "B").Value Then Rows(i).Insert
Next i
End Sub
问题1:今天,此宏突然停止了工作。我收到运行时错误(438),并且在调试时突出显示了“ Selection.LastRow”行。 (我没有成功重启PC。)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
问题1的叙述位于问题2的叙述中。您已经在.LastRow = ...前面添加了Selection,以使子过程适用于所选的任何列。
Sub InsertDividerRows()
' InsertDividerRows Macro
' Insert a blank row whenever a value in a sorted list changes
dim c as long, i as long
with selection.parent
c = selection.cells(1).column
for i=.cells(.rows.count, c).end(xlup).row to 2 step -1
if application.counta(.range(.cells(i, c), .cells(i-1, c))) = 2 and _
.cells(i, c).value <> .cells(i-1, c).value then
end if
next i
end with
End Sub