Python 3:展平嵌套字典和字典中的列表

时间:2018-08-29 15:51:11

标签: python list dictionary nested flatten




{a:1,b:2,c_c1_c11:1, c_c1_c12:2,c_c1_c13:3,c_c1_c21:1,c_c1_c22:2,c_c1_c23:3, c_d1,d11:1...and so on}

我从this post中的第一个答案中获得了参考,但只有在我嵌套了字典的情况下它才起作用,如果列表嵌套在字典中并且更多的词典嵌套在这些列表中,则它不起作用。


def flattenDict(d):
node_map = {}
node_path = []
def nodeRecursiveMap(d, node_path):
    for key, val in d.items():
        if ((type(val) is not dict)&(type(val) is not list)): 
            node_map['_'.join(node_path + [key])] = val
        if type(val) is list:
            def nodeListRecursion(val,node_path):
                for element in val:
                    if ((type(element) is not dict)&(type(element) is not list)) : node_map['_'.join(node_path + [key])] = element
                    if type(element) is list: nodeListRecursion(element,node_map)
                    if type(element) is dict: nodeRecursiveMap(element, node_path + [key])
        if type(val) is dict: nodeRecursiveMap(val, node_path + [key])
nodeRecursiveMap(d, node_path)
return node_map


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


def flatten(d):
    out = {}
    for key, val in d.items():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            val = [val]
        if isinstance(val, list):
            for subdict in val:
                deeper = flatten(subdict).items()
                out.update({key + '_' + key2: val2 for key2, val2 in deeper})
            out[key] = val
    return out


In [34]: nested = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'c1': [{'c11': 1, 'c12': 2, 'c13': 3}, {'c21': 1, 'c22': 2, 'c23': 3}], 'd1': [{'d11': 1, 'd12': 2, 'd13': 3}, {'d21': 1, 'd22': 2, 'd23': 3}]}, 'x': 1, 'y': 2}

In [35]: flatten(nested)
{'a': 1,
 'b': 2,
 'c_c1_c11': 1,
 'c_c1_c12': 2,
 'c_c1_c13': 3,
 'c_c1_c21': 1,
 'c_c1_c22': 2,
 'c_c1_c23': 3,
 'c_d1_d11': 1,
 'c_d1_d12': 2,
 'c_d1_d13': 3,
 'c_d1_d21': 1,
 'c_d1_d22': 2,
 'c_d1_d23': 3,
 'x': 1,
 'y': 2}

答案 1 :(得分:0)

在我的项目中,我正在使用DSMs answer中函数的更新版本来展平dict,其中可能包含其他dict或dict列表或列表。希望对您有所帮助。

def flatten(input_dict, separator='_', prefix=''):
    output_dict = {}
    for key, value in input_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict) and value:
            deeper = flatten(value, separator, prefix+key+separator)
            output_dict.update({key2: val2 for key2, val2 in deeper.items()})
        elif isinstance(value, list) and value:
            for index, sublist in enumerate(value, start=1):
                if isinstance(sublist, dict) and sublist:
                    deeper = flatten(sublist, separator, prefix+key+separator+str(index)+separator)
                    output_dict.update({key2: val2 for key2, val2 in deeper.items()})
                    output_dict[prefix+key+separator+str(index)] = value
            output_dict[prefix+key] = value
    return output_dict