
时间:2018-08-29 09:59:36

标签: java apache-spark cluster-computing

我正在尝试创建一个火花应用程序,该应用程序将获取 lat long timestamp 点的数据集,并增加单元数在网格单元内。网格由以 lon lat time 为z轴的3d单元组成。



    //Create a JavaPairRDD with tuple elements. For each String line of lines we split the string 
//and assign latitude, longitude and timestamp of each line to sdx,sdy and sdt. Then we check if the data point of 
//that line is contained in a cell of the centroids list. If it is then a new tuple is returned
//with key the latitude, Longitude and timestamp (split by ",") of that cell and value 1.

    JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> pairs = lines.mapToPair(x -> {

        String sdx = x.split(" ")[2];
        String sdy = x.split(" ")[3];
        String sdt = x.split(" ")[0];

        double dx = Double.parseDouble(sdx);
        double dy = Double.parseDouble(sdy);
        int dt = Integer.parseInt(sdt);

        List<Integer> t = brTime.getValue();
        List<Point2D.Double> p = brCoo.getValue();

        double dist = brDist.getValue();
        int dur = brDuration.getValue();

        for(int timeCounter=0; timeCounter<t.size(); timeCounter++) {
            for ( int cooCounter=0; cooCounter < p.size(); cooCounter++) {

                double cx = p.get(cooCounter).getX();
                double cy = p.get(cooCounter).getY();
                int ct = t.get(timeCounter);

                String scx = Double.toString(cx);
                String scy = Double.toString(cy);
                String sct = Integer.toString(ct);

                if (dx > (cx-dist) && dx <= (cx+dist)) {
                    if (dy > (cy-dist) && dy <= (cy+dist)) {
                        if (dt > (ct-dur) && dt <= (ct+dur)) {

                            return new Tuple2<String, Integer>(scx+","+scy+","+sct,1);
        return new Tuple2<String, Integer>("Out Of Bounds",1);

3 个答案:

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像这样运行Spark映射可能导致成本增加的最大因素之一与RDD上下文外部的数据访问有关,这意味着驱动程序交互。在您的情况下,至少有4个变量访问器在其中发生:brTimebrCoobrDistbrDuration。看来您正在通过String#split进行某些行解析,而不是利用内置函数。最后,scxscysct都是为每个循环计算的,尽管它们仅在其数值对应对象通过一系列检查后才返回,这意味着浪费了CPU周期和额外的时间。 GC。


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答案 2 :(得分:0)
