
时间:2018-08-28 20:53:39

标签: excel vba excel-vba ms-word word-vba

在尝试遵循最佳实践时,我将Option Explicit放在代码的顶部,并声明了所有变量。但是,这与使用命名常量的另一种最佳实践产生了冲突。我该怎么办?

第一个问题是xlFalse;我的其他xl变量都没有任何问题,因此这似乎是一个独立的案例。但是我并不担心,因为我可以放入False并且代码可以正常工作。 (有效吗?)

Sub GetEOP()

    'Executes when the user clicks the "Import Data" button, imports the EOP data


    'Open Open dialog, assigns selected file path to wordFileName
    wordFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Rich Text Files (*.rtf), *.rtf," & "Word Files (*.doc;*.docx), *.doc;*.docx", , "EOP Table File?")

    'Stop code if the user clicks Cancel (otherwise, wordFileName would be assigned a value of "False")
    If wordFileName = False Then Exit Sub

    'Open the selected file in Word
    Set wordDoc = GetObject(wordFileName)

    'Copy the values of the first table in the Word document to Excel
    With wordDoc.Tables(1)
        For wordRow = 1 To .Rows.Count
            For wordCol = 1 To .Columns.Count
                EOP.Cells(wordRow, wordCol).Value = WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(wordRow, wordCol).Range.Text)
            Next wordCol
        Next wordRow
    End With

    'Close Word
    Set wordDoc = Nothing

    'Find the last row and column of the EOP sheet.
    rw2 = EOP.Cells.Find("*", after:=Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=xlFalse).Row 'ERROR: Variable not defined -- xlFalse
    cl2 = EOP.Cells.Find("*", after:=Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=xlFalse).Column 'ERROR: Variable not defined -- xlFalse

    'Format EOP worksheet
    EOP.Cells(1, 1).RowHeight = 15
    EOP.Cells(2, 1).RowHeight = 15
    EOP.Cells(1, 1).Resize(50, 12).Interior.Color = clrbg
    EOP.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, cl2).Interior.Color = clr2
    EOP.Cells(2, 1).Resize(rw2 - 1, cl2).Interior.Color = clr1

End Sub

但是更严重的问题是,当我从Excel运行Word代码时,如wordDoc.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges中所示。我可以只使用wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0而不用担心,但是我认为可能有更好的方法来处理这种情况。

这里有大量代码;在Closes Word Document代码块中,引发错误的行一直在底部。

Sub DrillFolder(Folder)

    Dim SubFolder
    For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders

        'Skip Archive and Old folders
        If InStr(UCase(SubFolder.Name), UCase("Archive")) > 0 Or _
           InStr(UCase(SubFolder.Name), UCase("Old")) > 0 Or _
           InStr(UCase(SubFolder.Name), UCase("do not use")) > 0 Then GoTo SkipFolder

        DrillFolder SubFolder


    Dim File
    Dim sortFile As Worksheet

    For Each File In Folder.Files

        'Checks if the file name has any of these time points in it.
        If InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("bl")) > 0 Or _
           InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("eop")) > 0 Or _
           InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("t2")) > 0 Or _
           InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("t3")) > 0 Then

            'Only look at RTFs
            If File.Type = "Rich Text Format" Then

                'Sorts the file according to the time point in the file name.
                If InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("bl")) > 0 Then Set sortFile = Worksheets("Base")
                If InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("eop")) > 0 Then Set sortFile = Worksheets("EOP")
                If InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("t2")) > 0 Then Set sortFile = Worksheets("T2")
                If InStr(UCase(File.Name), UCase("t3")) > 0 Then Set sortFile = Worksheets("T3")

                'sortTotalRow is used to make sure that entries in one worksheet don't skew the alignment of other worksheets
                Dim sortTotalRow As Integer
                Select Case sortFile.Name

                    Case "Base"
                        sortTotalRow = baseTotalRow
                    Case "EOP"
                        sortTotalRow = eopTotalRow
                    Case "T2"
                        sortTotalRow = t2TotalRow
                    Case "T3"
                        sortTotalRow = t3TotalRow
                    Case Else
                        sortTotalRow = 0

                End Select

                        'Opens the selected file in Word
                        Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(File.Path)

                        'Adds file information to the Import worksheet
                        With Import.Cells(docCount + 2, 1)
                            .Value = wordDoc
                            .Offset(0, 1).Value = wordDoc.Tables(1).Rows.Count
                            .Offset(0, 2).Value = sortFile.Name
                            .Offset(0, 3).Value = wordDoc.FullName
                        End With

                        'Copies values of first table in document to Excel
                        If wordDoc.Tables.Count > 0 Then
Restart:                       With wordDoc.Tables(1)

                                'Combine Birth Month and Birth Year columns, if they're separate
                               Dim i As Integer
                               For i = 1 To .Columns.Count
                                    If InStr(UCase(WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(1, i).Range.Text)), UCase("Birth year")) = 1 Then

                                        'Change Birth Month column to Birth Month and Year column
                                        Dim k As Long
                                        For k = 1 To .Rows.Count
                                            .cell(k, i - 1).Range.Text = .cell(k, i - 1).Range.Text & .cell(k, i).Range.Text
                                        Next k

                                        'Then delete the Birth Year column, so it doesn't get copied twice
                                        GoTo Restart

                                    End If

                                    'Delete "describe yourself" and "Where are you taking this survey?" columns
                                    If InStr(UCase(WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(1, i).Range.Text)), UCase("describe")) > 0 Then
                                        GoTo Restart
                                    End If
                                    If InStr(UCase(WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(1, i).Range.Text)), UCase("taking this survey")) > 0 Then
                                        GoTo Restart
                                    End If
                                Next i

                                'Account for Grandma code by putting in dummy values for non-Gcode rounds
                                Dim gmaFind As Boolean

                                'Check for Gma in the table
                                With wordDoc.Range.Find
                                    .Text = "Grandmother"
                                    .MatchCase = False
                                    gmaFind = .Execute
                                End With

                                'If you don't find it, add a column and fill it with XXX
                                If gmaFind = True Then

                                    For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
                                        .cell(i, .Columns.Count).Range.Text = "XXX"
                                    Next i
                                End If

                                For wordRow = 1 To .Rows.Count
                                    For wordCol = 1 To .Columns.Count

                                        'Takes off headers for the tables after the first
                                        If sortTotalRow <> 0 And wordRow = 1 Then GoTo Skip

                                        'Skip "How do you describe yourself?" column
                                        If InStr(WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(1, wordCol).Range.Text), "describe") > 0 Then GoTo Skip

                                        'Skip "Please tell us the place where you are taking this survey." column
                                        If InStr(WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(1, wordCol).Range.Text), "taking this survey") > 0 Then GoTo Skip

                                        'If you're in the Obs column, also add in the name of the round.
                                        If wordCol = 1 Then
                                            sortFile.Cells(wordRow + sortTotalRow, wordCol).Value = Left(wordDoc.Name, 8) & " " & WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(wordRow, wordCol).Range.Text)
                                            sortFile.Cells(wordRow + sortTotalRow, wordCol).Value = WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(wordRow, wordCol).Range.Text)
                                        End If
'This is a flag
'to tell GoTo
'where to go.
Skip:                               Next wordCol
                                Next wordRow

                                'Adds number of records to totalRow, so the next table appears under the previous.
                                Select Case sortFile.Name

                                    Case "Base"
                                        'The -1 is accounting for the headers of the tables that have been omitted
                                        '(otherwise it would be a blank row)
                                        baseTotalRow = baseTotalRow + .Rows.Count - 1
                                    Case "EOP"
                                        eopTotalRow = eopTotalRow + .Rows.Count - 1
                                    Case "T2"
                                        t2TotalRow = t2TotalRow + .Rows.Count - 1
                                    Case "T3"
                                        t3TotalRow = t3TotalRow + .Rows.Count - 1
                                    Case Else

                                End Select

                            End With
                        End If

                'At the end of importing, docCount is used as "Debug.print "Time taken to import docCount documents""
                docCount = docCount + 1

                'Closes Word Document
                'Const wdDoNotSaveChanges As Integer = 0
                wordDoc.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges 'ERROR: Variable not defined -- wdDoNotSaveChanges

            End If
        End If


End Sub


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

如果我的理解正确,您会发现Option Explicit如何使您免于遭受严重的错误侵害!

如果您的代码由于未定义wdDoNotSaveChanges而拒绝编译,那是因为未引用Microsoft Word对象库(即,您可能在后期绑定它)。

在没有Option Explicit的情况下,VBA会愉快地编译,并且未定义的标识符在执行时被动态定义为隐式Variant本地变量,该变量保留了任何Variant的默认值变量:Empty ...,当传递给接受整数类型的函数/过程/方法时,它会悄悄地转换为0无论您用什么命名



Private Enum WdSaveOptions
    wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0 ' equivalent to Boolean value False
    wdPromptToSaveChanges = -2
    wdSaveChanges = -1 ' equivalent to Boolean value True
End Enum

现在,不仅Option Explicit不会干涉,而且您的代码也将正常工作