
时间:2018-08-28 06:48:02

标签: javascript angularjs karma-jasmine

在将依赖项升级到最新的angular.js版本( 1.7.3 )期间,所有单元测试都将停止工作。


my.module.mocks.js 的文件内容:

console.log('This logging appears regardless of the version'); // YES

angular.module('my.module.mocks-testing', ['my.module', 'ngMock']).run(initMockData);
angular.module('my.module.mocks', ['my.module', 'ngMockE2E']).run(initMockData);

 // Function is never executed since 1.7 upgrade
function initMockData($httpBackend) {

    console.log('initMockData function has been executed'); // NO it hasn't since 1.7.x

        .whenRoute('GET', '/gate/products/:id')
        .respond(function (method, url, data, headers, params) {
            var productExists = (PRODUCTS_SERVICE_RESPONSE[params.id.toString()] !== undefined),
                successfulResponse = [200, PRODUCTS_SERVICE_RESPONSE[params.id.toString()]],
                errorResponse = [403, {message: 'Forbidden'}];

            return (productExists) ? successfulResponse : errorResponse;

        .whenRoute('GET', '/gate/companion-product-groups/:uid')
        .respond(function (method, url, data, headers, params) {
            var companionProductGroupExists = (COMPANIONS_SERVICE_RESPONSE[params.uid.toString()] !== undefined),
                successfulResponse = [200, COMPANIONS_SERVICE_RESPONSE[params.uid.toString()]],
                errorResponse = [403, {message: 'Forbidden'}];

            return (companionProductGroupExists) ? successfulResponse : errorResponse;

搜索有角upgrade guide并没有任何帮助。


Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module my.module.mocks-testing due to:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'my.module.mocks-testing' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.


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