
时间:2018-08-25 15:41:24

标签: c# sql-server entity-framework linq

我的SQL Server数据库中有以下3个表定义:

|             Product              | Rating                          |         Image                   | 
| ProductId                        | Id                              | Id                              |
| ProdctName                       | Rating                          | Image                           |
|                                  | ProductId FK References(Product)| ProductId FK References(Product)|


|Product              | ProductId  |ProductName |
|                     | 1          |Prodcuct 1  |
|                     | 2          |Prodcuct 2  |
|                     | 3          |Prodcuct 3  |
|                     | 4          |Prodcuct 4  |

|Rating              | Id          |RatingVal   |ProductId |
|                     | 1          |3           |1         |
|                     | 2          |2           |2         | 
|                     | 3          |3           |2         |
|                     | 4          |5           |3         |
|                     | 5          |4           |3         |

|Image                | Id          |ImagePath  |ProductId
|                     | 1          |ABC           |1       |
|                     | 2          |XYZ           |2       | 
|                     | 3          |LMN           |3       |
|                     | 4          |PQR           |4       |

我需要在一个地方收集有关产品的信息,以便每个产品都包含有关产品的详细信息(来自产品表),相关的平均评分(来自评分表)m和产品的图像路径(来自图像表) )。换句话说,我需要以下输出:

|Output               | ProductId  |ProductName |Avg(Rating)|ImgPath|
|                     | 1          |Prodcuct 1  |3          |ABC    |
|                     | 2          |Prodcuct 2  |2.5        |XYZ    |
|                     | 3          |Prodcuct 3  |4.5        |LMN    |
|                     | 4          |Prodcuct 4  |0.0        |PQR    |


我的问题是:如何为所有产品产生所需的输出。 我下面的代码无法获取我想要的所有数据。问题是结果中未显示具有id4的产品,我认为这是因为产品4在评级表中没有条目。

var  trendingProducts = (from ratings in entities.Rating
                         group ratings by new { ratings.productId } into c
                         join products in entities.Products on c.FirstOrDefault().productId equals products.ProductID
                         join images in entities.Images on c.Key.productId equals images.ProductId                                       
                         select new ProductViewModel
                             ProductId = products.ProductId,
                             ProductName = products.ProductName,
                             RatingVal = c.Average(l => l.RatingVal) == null ? 0 : c.Average(l => l.Rating),
                             ImagePath = images.ImagePath,


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




如果您遵循entity framework code first conventions,您将拥有类似的课程:

class Product
    public int Id {get; set;}

    // every Product has zero or more Ratings:
    public virtual ICollection<Rating> Ratings {get; set;}

    // every product has zero or more Images:
    public virtual ICollection<Image> Images {get; set;}

    ... // other properties

class Rating
    public int Id {get; set;}

    // every Rating belongs to exactly one Product using foreign key:
    public int ProductId {get; set;}
    public virtual Product Product {get; set;} 


class Image
    public int Id {get; set;}

    // every Image belongs to exactly one Product using foreign key:
    public int ProductId {get; set;}
    public virtual Product Product {get; set;} 





我需要在一个地方收集有关产品的信息,以便   每个产品都包含有关产品的详细信息(来自产品   表),相关的平均评分(来自评分表)和图片   产品的路径(来自“图像”表)。


var result = myDbContext.Products            // from the collection of Products
    .Where(product => ...)                   // select only those Products that ...
    .Select(product => new                   // from every remaining Product make one new
    {                                        // object with the following properties:
         // Select only the properties you actually plan to use!
         Id = product.Id,
         Name = product.ProductName,

         AverageRating = product.Ratings       // from all Ratings of this Product
             .Select(rating => rating.Rating)  // get the Rating value
             .Average(),                       // and Average it.

         Images = product.Images               // from all Images of this product
             .Select(image => image.ImagePath) // select the ImagePath

         // or if a Product has only zero or one Image:
         Image = product.Image?.ImagePath // if the product has an Image, get its ImagePath
                                          // or use null if there is no Image

