我已尝试实现本文(3 way quicksort (C implementation))中所述的C QuickSelect算法。 但是,我得到的性能仅是默认qsort的5到10倍(即使使用初始混洗)。 我试图深入研究此处提供的原始qsort源代码(https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/stdlib/qsort.c),但是它太复杂了。 有没有人有一个更简单,更好的算法? 任何想法都欢迎。 谢谢, 注意:我最初的问题是尝试将数组的第K个最小值获取到第K个索引。所以我计划打K次quickselect 编辑1:这是从上面的链接复制并改编而成的Cython代码
cdef void qswap(void* a, void* b, const size_t size) nogil:
cdef char temp[size]# C99, use malloc otherwise
#char serves as the type for "generic" byte arrays
memcpy(temp, b, size)
memcpy(b, a, size)
memcpy(a, temp, size)
cdef void qshuffle(void* base, size_t num, size_t size) nogil: #implementation of Fisher
cdef int i, j, tmp# create local variables to hold values for shuffle
for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1): # for loop to shuffle
j = c_rand() % (i + 1)#randomise j for shuffle with Fisher Yates
qswap(base + i*size, base + j*size, size)
cdef void partition3(void* base,
size_t *low, size_t *high, size_t size,
QComparator compar) nogil:
# Modified median-of-three and pivot selection.
cdef void *ptr = base
cdef size_t lt = low[0]
cdef size_t gt = high[0] # lt is the pivot
cdef size_t i = lt + 1# (+1 !) we don't compare pivot with itself
cdef int c = 0
while (i <= gt):
c = compar(ptr + i * size, ptr + lt * size)
if (c < 0):# base[i] < base[lt] => swap(i++,lt++)
qswap(ptr + lt * size, ptr + i * size, size)
i += 1
lt += 1
elif (c > 0):#base[i] > base[gt] => swap(i, gt--)
qswap(ptr + i * size, ptr + gt* size, size)
gt -= 1
else:#base[i] == base[gt]
i += 1
#base := [<<<<<lt=====gt>>>>>>]
low[0] = lt
high[0] = gt
cdef void qselectk3(void* base, size_t lo, size_t hi,
size_t size, size_t k,
QComparator compar) nogil:
cdef size_t low = lo
cdef size_t high = hi
partition3(base, &low, &high, size, compar)
if ((k - 1) < low): #k lies in the less-than-pivot partition
high = low - 1
low = lo
elif ((k - 1) >= low and (k - 1) <= high): #k lies in the equals-to-pivot partition
qswap(base, base + size*low, size)
else: # k > high => k lies in the greater-than-pivot partition
low = high + 1
high = hi
qselectk3(base, low, high, size, k, compar)
A selection algorithm to find the nth smallest elements in an unordered list.
these elements ARE placed at the nth positions of the input array
cdef void qselect(void* base, size_t num, size_t size,
size_t n,
QComparator compar) nogil:
cdef int k
qshuffle(base, num, size)
for k in range(n):
qselectk3(base + size*k, 0, num - k - 1, size, 1, compar)
我使用python timeit来获得pyselect(N = 50)和pysort的性能。 像这样
def testPySelect():
A = np.random.randint(16, size=(10000), dtype=np.int32)
pyselect(A, 50)
timeit.timeit(testPySelect, number=1)
def testPySort():
A = np.random.randint(16, size=(10000), dtype=np.int32)
timeit.timeit(testPySort, number=1)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@chqrlie的答案是一个很好的最终答案,但为了完成该帖子,我将发布Cython版本以及基准测试结果。 简而言之,在长向量上,所提出的解决方案比qsort快2倍!
cdef void qswap2(void *aptr, void *bptr, size_t size) nogil: cdef uint8_t* ac = <uint8_t*>aptr cdef uint8_t* bc = <uint8_t*>bptr cdef uint8_t t while (size > 0): t = ac[0]; ac[0] = bc[0]; bc[0] = t; ac += 1; bc += 1; size -= 1 cdef struct qselect2_stack: uint8_t *base uint8_t *last cdef void qselect2(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, size_t k, QComparator compar) nogil: cdef qselect2_stack stack[64] cdef qselect2_stack *sp = &stack[0] cdef uint8_t *lb cdef uint8_t*ub cdef uint8_t *p cdef uint8_t *i cdef uint8_t *j cdef uint8_t *top if (nmemb < 2 or size <= 0): return top = <uint8_t *>base if(k < nmemb): top += k*size else: top += nmemb*size sp.base = <uint8_t *>base sp.last = <uint8_t *>base + (nmemb - 1) * size sp += 1 cdef size_t offset while (sp > stack): sp -= 1 lb = sp.base ub = sp.last while (lb < ub and lb < top): #select middle element as pivot and exchange with 1st element offset = (ub - lb) >> 1 p = lb + offset - offset % size qswap2(lb, p, size) #partition into two segments i = lb + size j = ub while 1: while (i < j and compar(lb, i) > 0): i += size while (j >= i and compar(j, lb) > 0): j -= size if (i >= j): break qswap2(i, j, size) i += size j -= size # move pivot where it belongs qswap2(lb, j, size) # keep processing smallest segment, and stack largest if (j - lb <= ub - j): sp.base = j + size sp.last = ub sp += 1 ub = j - size else: sp.base = lb sp.last = j - size sp += 1 lb = j + size
cdef int int_comp(void* a, void* b) nogil: cdef int ai = (<int*>a)[0] cdef int bi = (<int*>b)[0] return (ai > bi ) - (ai < bi) def pyselect2(numpy.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] na, int n): cdef int* a = <int*>&na[0] qselect2(a, len(na), sizeof(int), n, int_comp)
#of elements K #qsort (s) #qselect2 (s) 1,000 50 0.1261 0.0895 1,000 100 0.1261 0.0910 10,000 50 0.8113 0.4157 10,000 100 0.8113 0.4367 10,000 1,000 0.8113 0.4746 100,000 100 7.5428 3.8259 100,000 1,000 7,5428 3.8325 100,000 10,000 7,5428 4.5727
对于那些好奇的人来说,这段代码是使用神经网络进行表面重建领域的一颗明珠。 再次感谢@chqrlie,您的代码在Web上是唯一的。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在没有&& lb < top
相似,但在病理情况下,高级版本的启发式算法更好。此额外测试会阻止对目标 0 ..(k-1)以外的范围进行完全排序。该函数选择k
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static void exchange_bytes(uint8_t *ac, uint8_t *bc, size_t size) {
while (size-- > 0) { uint8_t t = *ac; *ac++ = *bc; *bc++ = t; }
/* select and sort the k smallest elements from an array */
void qsort_select(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *a, const void *b), size_t k)
struct { uint8_t *base, *last; } stack[64], *sp = stack;
uint8_t *lb, *ub, *p, *i, *j, *top;
if (nmemb < 2 || size <= 0)
top = (uint8_t *)base + (k < nmemb ? k : nmemb) * size;
sp->base = (uint8_t *)base;
sp->last = (uint8_t *)base + (nmemb - 1) * size;
while (sp > stack) {
lb = sp->base;
ub = sp->last;
while (lb < ub && lb < top) {
/* select middle element as pivot and exchange with 1st element */
size_t offset = (ub - lb) >> 1;
p = lb + offset - offset % size;
exchange_bytes(lb, p, size);
/* partition into two segments */
for (i = lb + size, j = ub;; i += size, j -= size) {
while (i < j && compar(lb, i) > 0)
i += size;
while (j >= i && compar(j, lb) > 0)
j -= size;
if (i >= j)
exchange_bytes(i, j, size);
/* move pivot where it belongs */
exchange_bytes(lb, j, size);
/* keep processing smallest segment, and stack largest */
if (j - lb <= ub - j) {
sp->base = j + size;
sp->last = ub;
ub = j - size;
} else {
sp->base = lb;
sp->last = j - size;
lb = j + size;
int int_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
int aa = *(const int *)a;
int bb = *(const int *)b;
return (aa > bb) - (aa < bb);
#define ARRAY_SIZE 50000
int array[ARRAY_SIZE];
int main(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
array[i] = ARRAY_SIZE - i;
qsort_select(array, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(*array), int_cmp, 50);
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
printf("%d%c", array[i], i + 1 == 50 ? '\n' : ',');
return 0;