
时间:2018-08-24 16:35:19

标签: python graphlab turi-create turi


import graphlab
sf = graphlab.SFrame('people-example.csv')
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ()

----> 1 sf = graphlab.SFrame('people-example.csv')

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SFrame'



在您的iPython / Jupyter笔记本中,请按照以下步骤操作   特定顺序。


这将下载并安装依赖项。   graphlab.get_dependencies()




现在导入graphlab:import graphlab


sf = graphlab.SFrame('people-example.csv')


sf = graphlab.SFrame('people-example.csv')
InvalidProductKey                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-4df0be298ea8> in <module>()
----> 1 sf = graphlab.SFrame('people-example.csv')

C:\Users\Thanos\Anaconda2\envs\gl-env\lib\site-packages\graphlab\data_structures\sframe.pyc in __init__(self, data, format, _proxy)
    864             self.__proxy__ = _proxy
    865         else:
--> 866             self.__proxy__ = UnitySFrameProxy(glconnect.get_client())
    867             _format = None
    868             if (format == 'auto'):

C:\Users\Thanos\Anaconda2\envs\gl-env\lib\site-packages\graphlab\connect\main.pyc in get_client()
    137     """
    138     if not is_connected():
--> 139         launch()
    140     assert is_connected(), ENGINE_START_ERROR_MESSAGE
    141     return __CLIENT__

C:\Users\Thanos\Anaconda2\envs\gl-env\lib\site-packages\graphlab\connect\main.pyc in launch(server_addr, server_bin, server_log, auth_token, server_public_key)
     89         if server:
     90             server.try_stop()
---> 91         raise e
     92     server.set_log_progress(True)
     93     # start the client

InvalidProductKey: Product key validation failed.


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Graphlab Create不是免费的;但是,Coursera学生有资格获得学术许可,该许可可以免费使用1年(如果课程资料中没有明确提及这一事实,我会感到惊讶)。

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# Install your licensed copy of GraphLab Create
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir registered email address here/your product key here/GraphLab-Create-License.tar.gz

有关更多详细信息,请参见installation instructions