
时间:2018-08-23 15:34:58

标签: django django-forms

我正在使用formset_factory管理页面上的几个相同表格。在每种形式中,都有一对链接的下拉列表。 DropdownA具有一个onchange事件,该事件请求dropdownB(AJAX)的选项。一切正常,但是当我通过POST请求提交表单时,它们都未通过forms.is_valid()检查。打印提交的表单集的错误揭示了原因:

[{'DropdownB ': ['Select a valid choice. Like is not one of the available choices.']}, {'DropdownB ': ['Select a valid choice. < is not one of the available choices.']}]



DropdownB = ()
DropdownB = forms.ChoiceField(choices=op_choices, required=False)



class UnifiedSingleSearchBar(forms.Form):
# Dict to categorize field types
type_dict = {
    'DateField': 'Numeric',
    'DateTimeField': 'Numeric',
    'AutoField': 'Numeric',
    'CharField': 'String',
    'BooleanField': 'Bool',
operation_dict = {'Numeric':
                          ('>', '>'),
                          ('>=', '>='),
                          ('<', '<'),
                          ('<=', '<='),
                          ('=', '='),
                          ('>-<', 'Between'),
                          ('0', 'IS null'),
                          ('1', 'IS NOT null'),
                            ('Like', 'Like'),
                            ('Is', 'Is')
                            ('True', 'True'),
                            ('False', 'False')
searchabel_field_choices = ()
# To create the "field" dropdown, we loop through every field in the model and note its type.
for field in Mymodel._meta.fields:
    tuple = (
        (field.name, field.name),  # signifies a nested tuple
    searchabel_field_choices = searchabel_field_choices + tuple
searchabel_field_choices = searchabel_field_choices + (('', '--------'),)
shared_attrs = {
    'autocomplete': 'off',
    'class': 'form-control datetimepicker-input',
searchable_field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=searchabel_field_choices, required=False)
op_choices = ()  # Should always start with an empty operations list since field has not yet been chosen
operation = forms.ChoiceField(choices=op_choices, required=False)

# 2 is usually only ever used if a range is being specified
# Numeric
date1 = forms.DateField(required=False, widget=DatePicker(attrs=shared_attrs))
date2 = forms.DateField(required=False, widget=DatePicker(attrs=shared_attrs))
datetime1 = forms.DateTimeField(required=False, widget=DateTimePicker(attrs=shared_attrs))
datetime2 = forms.DateTimeField(required=False, widget=DateTimePicker(attrs=shared_attrs))
integer = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
# Bool
bool = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
# String
string = forms.CharField(required=False)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

