Sub MattWilliams()
Dim rawDataWs As Worksheet, randomSampleWs As Worksheet
Dim map, i As Long, n As Long, c As Long, rand, col
Dim rng As Range
Dim keyArr, nRowsArr
Set rawDataWs = Worksheets("Master")
Set randomSampleWs = Worksheets("Checks")
'EDIT: dynamic range in ColA
Set rng = rawDataWs.Range("AT9:AT" & rawDataWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
Set map = RowMap(rng)
keyArr = Array("ALS", "Customer") '<== keywords
nRowsArr = Array(65, 5) '<== # of random rows
Debug.Print "Key", "#", "Row#"
For i = LBound(keyArr) To UBound(keyArr) 'loops through lower and upper bound of the KeyArr
If map.exists(keyArr(i)) Then
Set col = map(keyArr(i))
n = nRowsArr(i)
For c = 1 To n
'select a random member of the collection
rand = Application.Evaluate("RANDBETWEEN(1," & col.Count & ")")
Debug.Print keyArr(i), rand, col(rand)
If rawDataWs.Range("S" & col(rand)).Value = "FTF" Then
rawDataWs.Rows(col(rand)).Copy _
randomSampleWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
If col.Count = 0 Then
If c < n Then Debug.Print "Not enough rows for " & keyArr(i)
c = c - 1
End If
c = c - 1
End If
'col.Remove rand 'remove the "used" row
If col.Count = 0 Then
If c < n Then Debug.Print "Not enough rows for " & keyArr(i)
End If
Next c
Debug.Print "No rows for " & keyArr(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub
'get a map of rows as a dictionary where each value is a collection of row numbers
Function RowMap(rng As Range) As Object
Dim dict, c As Range, k
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each c In rng.Cells
k = Trim(c.Value)
If Len(k) > 0 Then
If Not dict.exists(k) Then dict.Add k, New Collection
dict(k).Add c.Row
End If
Next c
Set RowMap = dict
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您需要使用唯一的随机数数组,以确保它们不相同。可以找到唯一的随机数函数here。 (如果有用,请删除upvote)
Sub MattWilliams()
Dim rawDataWs As Worksheet, randomSampleWs As Worksheet
Dim map, i As Long, n As Long, c As Long, rand, col
Dim rng As Range
Dim keyArr, nRowsArr
Dim samplepattern() As Long ' dim the samplepattern
Set rawDataWs = Worksheets("Master")
Set randomSampleWs = Worksheets("Checks")
'EDIT: dynamic range in ColA
Set rng = rawDataWs.Range("AT9:AT" & rawDataWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
Set map = RowMap(rng)
keyArr = Array("ALS", "Customer") '<== keywords
nRowsArr = Array(65, 5) '<== # of random rows
Debug.Print "Key", "#", "Row#"
For i = LBound(keyArr) To UBound(keyArr) 'loops through lower and upper bound of the KeyArr
If map.exists(keyArr(i)) Then
Set col = map(keyArr(i))
n = nRowsArr(i)
'solution starts here
samplepattern = UniuqeRandom(1, col.Count,n) 'see link "here"
For c = 1 To n
Debug.Print keyArr(i), samplepattern(n), col(rand)
If rawDataWs.Range("S" & col(samplepattern(n))).Value = "FTF" Then
rawDataWs.Rows(col(samplepattern(n))).Copy _
randomSampleWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
' end of solution
If col.Count = 0 Then
If c < n Then Debug.Print "Not enough rows for " & keyArr(i)
c = c - 1
End If
c = c - 1
End If
'col.Remove rand 'remove the "used" row
If col.Count = 0 Then
If c < n Then Debug.Print "Not enough rows for " & keyArr(i)
End If
Next c
Debug.Print "No rows for " & keyArr(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub
示例:samplepattern()= [2,3,7,17]是1到20之间的4个唯一随机数。现在,我继续遍历samplepattern()的所有成员并复制行(samplepattern(i)) )。所以我复制行号2,3,7和17。